Financial Reporting FAQs

This article goes over financial reporting questions

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago

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How can we see how much money we make in certain categories?

Ex. How much money did we make in classes?

We can go to the Sales Summary Report and then click on the filter for EVENT CATEGORIES:

Now we can see that we generated about 3x as much revenue for the Pickleball Clinic than we did for the class, Cardio Tennis.

How can I see the taxes / tax breakdown on my sales?

Under the Sales Summary Report, we'll click 'Show Taxes':

What's the difference between the EOD report and the Payment Summary report?

While the two reports are very similar the EOD report is going to be more for the Point of Sale users.

Things such as knowing how much was processed in transactions, how much money they should have in the cash register, etc.

You also run an EOD report as an individual user. If I'm logged in and in the POS, I can just click the 'EOD REPORT' at the top of the screen.

This will take me right to the end of day report. The default user will be me:

Now I can export this for my records:

If I press 'receipt paper,' this could be my 'cash out' as a clerk for the Point of Sale.

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