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Setup Event Registrant Custom Fields
Setup Event Registrant Custom Fields

Add optional or required custom fields for members to fill-in when registering into specific events.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Add custom fields for members to fill-in when registering into an event.

  • Use Cases: If an organization needs to know a member's double partner, shirt size, or any other additional information for a specific event, system users can add an Event Registrant custom field into specific events.


To create custom fields, go to Settings > Event Settings > Custom Fields.

On the next page, click the green Create New button.

Creating a custom field

  1. Click the Category field and select Event Registrant.

  2. Fill in the fields. (see below)

  3. Click Save changes.

  4. Repeat steps to create additional custom fields.

  • Field Type - Click the field and select an option. Choose TextBox (a fixed field suitable for a short passage like a phone number or name), TextArea (an adjustable box that can be used for longer passages), or DropDown (create a list).


If the system user selects DropDown, CourtReserve displays new fields at the bottom of the form. Fill in the fields to create menu options. Click the green button to add more options. Click the X icon to remove an option from the menu.

Other settings

  • Label - CourtReserve uses this name for the custom field.

  • Is Required - If this box is checked, members must make a selection or enter information into the field. If not checked, this custom field is optional.

  • Show on Member Portal - If this box is checked, the custom field displays on the member portal. If not checked, CourtReserve hides this custom field.

  • Show on Admin Side - If this box is checked, admins, sub-admins, and instructors can see the custom field. If not checked, CourtReserve hides this custom field.

  • Is Enabled - Check the box to make this an active custom field. If not checked, the custom field record stays on the platform, but CourtReserve does not display the field on any schedulers or the member portal.

  • Show on Registrant List - Display the custom field information on the admin Registrant List under an "i" icon.


Once a member is registered into an event that has a custom field, system users will be able to easily see this information on the Registrant List for an event date.


CLICK HERE to watch the section of the Events: Overview video that covers the information in this article.

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