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Calendar Feed for Players
Calendar Feed for Players

This article shows how players can create a Google or Outlook calendar feed.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago

Calendar feeds allow you to display reservations/events scheduled in CourtReserve directly in your personal or organizational calendar. Your calendar must support "subscriptions" or "feeds" where you can specify a URL feed (current versions of Google, Apple, and Outlook calendars all do, plus many other calendar programs).

To get the special Calendar Feed URL needed for events to show up in your calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your CourtReserve account.

  2. Navigate to the menu underneath your Player Name.

  3. Navigate to Events > Calendar Feed

  4. After Saving, Click the COPY URL.

Once you copy the URL to your clipboard, go into your calendar application and follow their instructions for adding external calendars/feeds. Here are a few links that may be helpful for doing that.

CLICK HERE to see how to setup Google Calendar

CLICK HERE to see how to setup Apple Calendar Feeds

CLICK HERE to see how to setup Outlook Calendar

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