Text Alerts

This article shows you how to enable and send text message alerts for your club.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


Text Alerts are not allowed in a trial stage.

You'll go to Settings > Add Ons > Manage Add Ons to enable the Text Alerts feature. Once you have it turned on, you can press the orange SETUP button to configure the Text Notifications you would like both Players and System Users to receive.


If you do not want your players / members to opt-out of system notifications please check the box.

Choose your Country Code

Organization Short Name

Set up an abbreviated name for your organization because you are limited to 160 characters per text alert. This will allow for more message. See Example below.

TRSC could be the Short Code for Tennis, Racquet and Swim Club

Text Allowed: You would check this box if it was a notification you wanted Players or System Users to be eligible to receive.

Text Subscribed: By checking this box under the Text Alert setup, Players or System Users are going to be subscribed by default to those types of Text Alerts.

System Users and Instructors

Your System Users and Instructors can add a phone number to their detail profile so they can be notified by text alerts.

Go to Settings - Organization Settings - System Users

Edit the person and add their phone number.

Check Status of Text Alerts

Go to Audits - Notifications

Click Yellow Filter Button

You can choose your filter options including status of Delivered, Failed or Queued (which means your emails are in the que to be delivered)

You can review all text sent and any that were not delivered due to landline or invalid numbers.

If you would like to review the text verbiage click the blue details button.

Send Bulk Text

Go to Members - Bulk Text

You can review the number of text alerts you have sent out in this billing cycle

Choose the filters for who you would like to bulk text

Check the box for who will receive the bulk text. If you have Primary to receive email notifications for the child this will also work for text alerts too.

Add additional recipients

You can also copy System Users. (If a System User does not show up it means they have not added a phone number to their System User profile. Go to Settings - System Users and edit and add the phone number to their profile.)

Messages are limited to 160 characters.

Click Send Text

Sample of Text Alerts

Below you can see an example of the Short Code: TRSC

Also if your player clicks See More it will take them to the CourtReserve login page where they can login and see more details around this notification.

Texting Pricing
-Text Messaging Add-on = $15 / month (includes your first 500 messages)
-For each 500 text messages = $5 / month (no rollovers)
-All text messages are priced in arrears.

EX: 1202 messages sent would be charged = $25
$15 + $10 (for 1000 additional text messages)

See an overview demo below:

UPDATE: Text Messages (4.11.2023)

Text Message permissions on the USER side has been updated as of April 11, 2023 to meet industry legal standards for text messages. As of this date, all NEW customers to your organizations will be presented with a pop-up to confirm their subscription to your Marketing Alerts & Text Alerts.

Customers with this feature enabled before this date, will not see a change in this with their existing customers.

From an Admin side, an organization can no longer opt-in a player from text messages. It can only be enabled in the Player's Notification Settings on the member portal.

An Admin can also not prevent a player from opting out. This setting has been removed.

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