DecipherAg users can plan, manage, assign sampling jobs, collect the samples, send sample information to CSBP Soil and Plant Lab, and then view the results on their DecipherAg account in relation to their farm maps.
The raw results are available to view and export from the MyData section within the Samples tab.
To plan a new sampling job:
Either select the Samples icon in the left menu, then click the ‘Plan a sampling job’ button in the top right of your map.
OR select Plan from the left hand menu and click the 'Plan new job' button.
Choose your sampling job type: soil or plant samples and click next.
Select which CSBP test package you require from the list. You can customise each package with add-ons if required. Click next.
Confirm billing details.
Select the farm you want to plan the job for (if applicable).
Click the start planning button.
To add sites to a sampling job:
To add DecipherAg's suggested sites to a job ensure 'Auto' is selected on the Add Sites to Job toolbox (top right). Sites will be suggested to you for sampling based on the production zones in each paddock.
Learn how to add sites to a sampling job using the Site Suggestion Tool here. (Available to DecipherAg Plus or Biomass+ users only).
To add existing sites to a job, click on ‘Manual’ on the Add Sites to Job toolbox.
Ensure that 'Select existing sites' is selected. Click on a white dot on the map to add the site to the job, or click within a paddock to add all sites within the paddock boundary (sites will turn blue once added).
To manually add a new site to the job, click the ‘Add new site’ and click on the map where you would like to create a new site. The site will be auto-named when added. Review the auto-assigned name and edit if required from the panel on the left.
For accounts linked to CSBP, receiving a NUlogic recommendation,
Click + Populate from plans, to populate the paddock information form (PIF) from the paddock plans. Or + Add Paddock Info to enter information manually for each paddock.
For plant sampling job, you can + Populate from plans at the site level (SIF) from the farm plan. Or + Add Sample Info to enter information manually for each site.
PIF can be edited at a paddock level by clicking on Edit Paddock Info, next to the paddock name.
SIF can be edited at the site level. You can copy information between sites for those in the same paddock. You can partially fill in the information for each site for plant sampling but the sampler will still need to add the number of plants in the sample.
To edit the sampling task of a site:
In the sample panel (on the left), click the paddock name to view the sites in each paddock.
Click on the site name to view options for changing the test package, adjusting the sampling depth, adding a sampling depth, or adding an observation request.
To delete a task just click or tap the trashcan icon.
To delete an entire site, click on the ellipsis next to the site name and select 'remove from job'.
To assign your sampling job:
Select ‘Send job’ in the bottom of the sampling panel.
Review the sampling job title (edit if required).
Assign your job, either to an existing sampler in your list.
OR scroll down to 'New' to add a new sampler.
Fill out the sampler’s details including their name and current email. Once set up, the sampler will appear in this menu.
Fill out the 'On Farm Contact' details.
Select Send job.
That’s it! Once the job has been sent to the sampler they’ll receive an email giving them all the details they need to accept the job, and start sampling using DecipherAg Mobile.
Read more about collecting planned samples with DecipherAg Mobile.
Need some more help? Just get in touch.