Planning a Multisite Job
Updated over a week ago

Steps to sampling using DecipherAg:

Create and plan a sampling job → assign sampling jobs → collect samples → send sample information to CSBP Soil and Plant Lab → view results on map

To plan a new sampling job:


  • Select the 'SAMPLES' icon on the left-hand side menu, then click ‘PLAN NEW JOB' in the top right-hand corner of your map.


  • Select the 'PLAN' icon on the left-hand side menu and then click 'Plan new job'.

Select sample type by clicking 'Soil' or 'Plant' and then click the next button.

Select sample method: Multi

Select which CSBP test package you require (you can customise each package with add-ons if needed) → confirm billing details → name your job

Planning a Multisite Sampling Job:

Once the screen opens up, select the farm you are going to sample and click 'ADD A MULTISITE'

To add a NEW multisite sample site to your plan:

Add multisite name on the left-hand side panel and then click '+ ADD NEW' on the top right-hand corner of the map.

Click on the map within a paddock boundary to add sites - these will then populate on the left-hand side where you can delete them if necessary (names of sample sites are dictated by the mulitsite name).

Click on 'Add a Sample' to add another sample depth or change existing sample depths by clicking on the numbers. Sample test customisations can also be changed by clicking on the blue writing underneath the sample depths as well.

Click Save to take you back to your plan outline where you can add more multisites.

To add an EXISTING multisite sample site to your plan:

Click 'SELECT' on the top right-hand corner of the map.

Click on the existing multisite - this will automatically populate the multisite name and details. Make any changes, if necessary, and then click save.

To add another multisite to the same job, click 'ADD A MULTISITE'.

Or for more information click on the 'i' icon.

To assign your sampling job:

  • Select ‘Send job’ in the bottom of the sampling panel.

  • Review the assigned job name and edit if required.

  • Assign your job, either to an existing sampler in your list, or add a new sampler ensuring their email address is correct.

  • Once you’ve assigned your job, the contact taking the samples will receive an email.

Need some more help? Just get in touch.

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