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Get some inspiration on which Block configurations to create for your Podcast show

Updated over a week ago

As mentioned in previous articles, Cuez lets you start with multiple default Block configurations that may or may not suffice for the type of show you plan on creating. With the power of the Block configuration manager, you can customize these default Block configurations, as well as create your own custom ones.

Below are some Block configuration examples to give you inspiration for your own custom configurations for a Podcast show. We'll go over them one by one.

Text Blocks

Text Blocks give you a way to add your (Script) text to the Episode. In the 'Add block' menu, Text Blocks can be recognised by the 'T' in front of them.

Host 1

'Host 1' is a Text Block configuration that can be used to enter script text destined for one of the Hosts or Presenters. We display the 'Text' badge in our Episode so it is clearly visible that this is a Presenter/Host's Text Block.

As it is a Text Block, it only contains a text field. We opted to have our text content included in timings so that Cuez can automatically calculate the Estimated Duration of our Presenter/Host Text Block. It also has a default text style with the text color set on Blue.


Host 2

'Host 2' is a Text Block configuration that can be used to enter script text destined for one of the Hosts or Presenters. We display the 'Text' badge in our Episode so it is clearly visible that this is a Presenter/Host's Text Block.

As it is a Text Block, it only contains a text field. We opted to have our text content included in timings so that Cuez can automatically calculate the Estimated Duration of our Presenter/Host Text Block. It also has a default text style with the text color set on Purple.



'Guest' is a Text Block configuration that can be used to enter script text destined for the guest. We display the 'Text' badge in our Episode so it is clearly visible that this is a Guest's Text Block.

As it is a Text Block, it only contains a text field. We opted to have our text content included in timings so that Cuez can automatically calculate the Estimated Duration of our Presenter/Host Text Block. It also has a default text style with the text color set on Light-blue.


Cue Blocks

Cue Blocks allow you to add different types of media and other cues to your Episode (audio, graphics, breaks, call,...). In the 'Add block' menu, Cue Blocks can be recognised by the 'CUE' in front of them.


'Clip' is a Cue Block configuration that can be used to add videos to the Episode. We display the Block background color in our Episode so that, together with the Block's badge, it is clearly visible that this is a Clip Block.

Block Fields:


The 'Title' is a default title field (plain text) with no default field style.

Title field overview


The 'Media' field is set to the 'Video' media type and is set to be included in the timings so that Cuez can automatically calculate the Estimated Duration of our Clip Cue Block.


'Sound' is a Label field with two options : 'OFF' and 'SOT. We opted to not allow multiple selections as we want the user to make a clear choice between the available options. The labels won't be displayed in a separate row.

Last Words

The 'Last Words' field is a Plain text field where a video's last words can be entered. No default field style applied and we disabled the option to display this field in its own separate row.



'Graphic' is a Cue Block configuration that can be used to add images to the Episode. We display the Block background color in our Episode so that, together with the Block's badge, it is clearly visible that this is a Graphic Block.

Block Fields:


The 'Title' is a default title field (plain text) with no default field style.


The 'Media' field is set to the 'Image' media type, with Media settings such as Display Format 'HDV/HDTV 1080 (default)' with a Width of 1920 and a Height of 1080.


'Template' is a Label field with the two options 'Landscape' or 'Portrait'. We opted to not allow multiple selections as we want the user to make a clear choice between the two options available and the Labels won't be displayed in a separate row.


The 'Bug' field is a Plain text field with no default field style applied and the option to display this field in its own separate row is disabled.



'Audio' is a Cue Block configuration that can be used to add audio clips to the Episode. We display the Block background color in our Episode so that, together with the Block's badge, it is clearly visible that this is an Audio Block.

Block Fields:


The 'Title' is a default title field (plain text) with no default field style.


'Mic' is a Label field with the two options 'ON' or 'OFF'. We opted to not allow multiple selections as we want the user to make a clear choice between the two options available and the Labels won't be displayed in a separate row.


'Type' is a Label field with the several options such as 'Jingle' or 'Song'. We opted to not allow multiple selections as we want the user to make a clear choice between the two options available and the Labels won't be displayed in a separate row.


The 'Media' field is set to the 'Audio' media type and is set to be included in the timings so that Cuez can automatically calculate the Estimated Duration of our Audio Cue Block.



'Strap' is a Cue Block configuration that can be used to add a Strap (or Lowerthird) to the Episode. We display the Block background color in our Episode so that, together with the Block's badge, it is clearly visible that this is a Strap Block.

Block Fields:


The 'Title' is a default title field (plain text) with no default field style.


'Description' is a Plain text field with no default field style.


Guest Show

'Guest Show' is a Cue Block configuration that can be used to add a Guest's Information to the Episode. We display the Block background color in our Episode so that, together with the Block's badge, it is clearly visible that this is a Guest Block.

Block Fields:


The 'Title' is a default title field (plain text) with no default field style.


'Name' is a plain text field with a default field style in bold.


'Photo' is a Media field set to the 'Image' as media type, with Media settings such as Display Format 'HDV/HDTV 1080 (default)' with a Width of 1920 and a Height of 1080.


'Bio' is a text area field with a default field style set on Italic.

We have chosen to hide the field from the Rundown as we feel that information is not needed to be shown.



'Sponsor' is a Cue Block configuration that can be used to add the Sponsors Information to the Episode. We display the Block background color in our Episode so that, together with the Block's badge, it is clearly visible that this is a Sponsor Block.

Block Fields:


The 'Title' is a default title field (plain text) with no default field style.


'Text' is a text area field with a default field style set on Italic.


'Logo' is a Media field set on Image as media type, with Media settings such as Display Format 'HDV/HDTV 1080 (default)' with a Width of 1920 and a Height of 1080.



'Commercial' is a Cue Block configuration that can be used to add the Commercials/Breaks to the Episode. We display the Block background color in our Episode so that, together with the Block's badge, it is clearly visible that this is a Commercial/Break Block.

Block Fields:


The 'Title' is a default title field (plain text) with no a default field style set on Uppercase.

There is a default field value set on 'Commercial'.


The 'Media' field is set to the 'Video' media type and is set to be included in the timings so that Cuez can automatically calculate the Estimated Duration of our Clip Cue Block.


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