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How can I create my own custom Block configurations or edit existing ones?
How can I create my own custom Block configurations or edit existing ones?

Learn how to create Block configurations, or edit existing ones, to make them fit the needs of your Project

Updated over 2 months ago

If you are an 'Admin' for your Cuez project, you can create your own custom Blocks and configure them to match your Project’s needs. You can customize both Text Blocks or Cue Blocks, and you can do this by either editing the existing default Block configurations or creating your own from scratch.

Before continuing with the article below, it might be interesting to first read How do I add content to create an Episode?.

How to create your own Block configuration

Block configuration manager

From the menu with the three vertical dots in the top left corner, select 'Manage Block configurations' to open the manager window.

Alternatively, you can click on the '+' icon next to a Part, Item or Block to select 'Manage Block configurations' at the bottom. Both options bring you to the Block configuration manager.

From this window you can create new Block configurations, as well as edit, duplicate or archive existing ones.

You can also change the order of the Block configurations by using the six dots button at the front of a Block configuration to drag & drop it to another position. Changing this order affects the order in which your Block configurations appear in the 'Add Block' menu.

Creating a new Block configuration

In the top right of the Block configuration manager you can click 'Create Block configuration'.

You can now create your Block configuration, give it a name, choose the Block type (Text or Cue) and give the Block a color.

The name and color that you configure for your Block configuration will be used in your Episode (Rundown, Script), as well as in the 'Add block' menu and the Block configurations manager. This makes your different Block configurations easily recognizable.

Cue Blocks

When creating a Cue block configuration you have access to all available field types to add to your configuration. Each field type can be added multiple times in a single Cue Block configuration, should that be needed.

Title field

Cue Blocks always have a title field. This field holds a single line of text and can have a default field style, as well as a default value. A title field is always mandatory and cannot be removed.

You can select whether or not this field should be required to fill in. Setting it as required, means you will see a 'warning' when the field has no content (yet).

Plain text field

This field type holds a single line of text. Text in a Plain text field cannot be formatted, other than the default field style that was configured for it.

Default field style & value

A Plain text field can be configured with a default field style, meaning that text entered in this field will automatically have this styling applied to it.

  • Style: Bold / Italic / Underline / Strikethrough

  • Formatting: Normal / Uppercase / Lowercase

  • Color: Text color or text background color

A default field value can also be configured, allowing new Blocks of this type to always have this default field value filled in once the block is added to the Episode.

Set field as required

You can select whether or not this field should be required to fill in. Setting it as required, means you will see a 'warning' when the field has no content (yet).

Display field in a separate row

A plain text field can be configured to always go on its own line/row. If left unchecked, Cuez will try to fit certain fields onto the same line/row to keep the Block more compact.

Character limit

A Plain text field can also be configured to have a character limit, helping your team to stay within a certain limit for this field. This can be useful in situations such as e.g. fitting a title or subtitle within a defined space for a lower third.

You can activate a character limit, then set the maximum number of characters for the field. Once enabled and applied, a counter will appear in the field to track the number of characters entered.

  • Within the limit: The counter will appear in grey, and the border around the field remains in its default selected style.

  • Over the limit: The border and counter turn orange, serving as a visual warning that the input has gone over the limit.

Text area field

This field type can hold multiple lines of text. Text in a text area field can be selected and formatted, whether or not a default field style was configured for it.

A text area field can be configured with a default field style, meaning that text entered in this field will automatically have this styling applied to it.

  • Style: Bold / Italic / Underline / Strikethrough

  • Formatting: Normal / Uppercase / Lowercase

  • Color: Text color or text background color

A default field value can also be configured, allowing new Blocks of this type to always have this default field value filled in once the Block is added to the Episode.

You can select whether or not this field should be required to fill in. Setting it as required, means you will see a 'warning' when the field has no content (yet).

You can set your Text-Area field to be included in timings or not. If you decide to include your content in timings, you then also have the option to set a read speed for your Text.

Label field

The label field is used to add easily selectable options to a Block and can be configured as a single or multi-select dropdown menu.

A label field can be configured to always go on its own line/row. If left unchecked, Cuez will try to fit certain fields onto the same line/row to keep the Block more compact.

You can select whether or not this field should be required to fill in. Setting it as required, means you will see a 'warning' when the field has no content (yet).

You can also choose to set one or multiple default label options, that will be selected every time you create a new Cue Block.

When adding a new option to the label field, you can give it a name, as well as a text color or text background color.

Label options can also be removed, but keep in mind that the deleted option will be removed from all Episodes in the Project where this Block configuration is used. Deleted options cannot be restored.


The media field is used to add media (images, video or audio) to a Block. A media field is limited to a single media type (and cannot be changed once saved), but multiple media fields could be added to a Block if needed (only one media field can be shown as a thumbnail in the Episode).

You can select whether or not this field should be required to fill in. Setting it as required, means you will see a 'warning' when the field has no content (yet).

Depending on the selected media type, the next available options can differ:

Text Blocks

When creating a Text Block configuration, the configuration will automatically have a text field configured.

The available field can hold multiple lines of text. This text can be selected and formatted, whether or not a default field style was configured for the Block field.

The text field can be configured with a default field style, meaning that text entered in this field will automatically have this styling applied to it.

  • Style: Bold / Italic / Underline / Strikethrough

  • Formatting: Normal / Uppercase / Lowercase

  • Color: Text color or text background color

You can also set a specific read speed to your Text Block, when you decide to include the content in timings. The read speed will help you with a more accurate calculation of the Est. Duration for your Text Blocks.

Editing an existing Block configuration

To edit one of your Block configurations, open the Block configurations manager and select 'Edit Block configuration' from the Action menu at the back.

Alternatively, you can use the six dots button in front of a Block to open the Block's menu and select 'Edit block configuration' from there.

Renaming a Block configuration

You can edit a Block configuration's name in case you want it to have a different name and/or color in the 'Add block' menu, the Block configuration manager, and of course in the Episode itself.

Once you start editing a Block configuration, you can click its name at the top (next to the pencil icon). Next, change the name and color as needed, and close the edit window. Your changes will be applied immediately.

Changing the order of fields

To change the order of the fields in your Block configuration, use the six dots button at the front of a field to drag & drop the field to another position in your Block configuration.

Hiding fields

To hide a field on your Block configuration, use the eye icon at the front of a field to hide (or show) a field. Note that the field will be hidden for all Blocks of this configuration in your Project.

Editing the Block fields or adding extra fields

Use the action button at the back of a field to select the 'Edit field' option. You can make the same changes as are available when creating a new Block configuration.

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