Video Walkthrough
Written Instructions
Bulk Actions
To perform a bulk update across one or more event, start by checking the boxes besides the Event names:
This will display a bulk action box as seen below. Let's talk about what all you can do!
X: Clicking the X will uncheck the events
Edit: This will load a slide out menu from the right side that will allow you to bulk update items such as the status of the event, the owner, the Curate calendar color and tags. If you make any changes, don't forget to click the Save button.
View Prints: You may select one or more events to generate an Event Prints page. Event prints is a powerful feature that is highly customizable with various print types such as Event Overview, Invoice, Pack List and Recipe Sheet. For more information on Event Prints, please see our video walkthrough and article.
Shopping list - You may select one or more events to generate a shopping list that will display a list of items generated from each event's orders section.
Archive Projects: This will archive the selected events.
Delete Projects: This will delete the selected events. Note: If you delete an event, it can not be recovered.
... More: This will allow you to sync the selected events to an integration of your choice such as Quickbooks Online, Galley, Nowsta and Google Calendar
Filters will allow you to adjust the list of events within your current view. For a full write up on how Filters work, please see this article.
Tag Icon
Clicking the Tag icon will enable the ability to see all tags associated with events displayed on the Events page.
You may also add a new tag to events by using the Add Tag button.
Individual Event Options
Individual event options will be listed on the far right side of the event as seen below.