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Event Actions

A short walkthrough of the Event Actions options displayed on the Events page.

Jamie Martin avatar
Written by Jamie Martin
Updated over a week ago

Video Walkthrough

Written Instructions

The Event Actions is a dropdown box that will only work when events are selected using the check boxes besides the event names.

Here's a short writeup on what each of the options will do.

  • Create shopping list - You may select one or more events to generate a shopping list that will display a list of items generated from each event's orders section.

  • Build event prints - You may select one or more events to generate an Event Prints page. Event prints is a powerful feature that is highly customizable with various print types such as Event Overview, Invoice, Pack List and Recipe Sheet. For more information on Event Prints, please see our video walkthrough and article.

  • Sync to QBO - QBO is short for Quickbooks Online that is a separate company and service. To sync to QuickBooks Online and to find out more, please check out this article.

  • Sync to Nowsta - Nowsta is a separate company and service used for assigning staff, track hours, and more. To sync to Nowsta and to find out more, please check out this article.

Tag Icon

Clicking the Tag icon will enable the ability to see all tags associated with events displayed on the Events page.

You may also add a new tag to events by using the Add Tag button.

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