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What are the protein choices for vegetarians?
What are the protein choices for vegetarians?

You can get enough protein on a vegetarian diet!

Kannan avatar
Written by Kannan
Updated over a week ago

The main protein-rich foods for vegetarians will be paneer, certain varieties of cheese, tofu, tempeh, soy bean, Greek yoghurt and whey protein.  Good quality and minimally processed Tofu and tempeh can be hard to find, but if you can find it - please feel free to use it as a protein option 😊

If you eat eggs, that will be a great option too.  While that sounds limited, remember that a lot of the other foods that you eat have small amounts of protein and they all will add up! For example, vegetables and lentils have some protein, so if you have both in your diet it will help increase the total protein you get.  For vegetarians who do not eat eggs, and for vegans, you will note that as part of your Daily9, lentils and legumes (excluding peanuts) count as one of the sources of protein (see your Daily9).

See the below chart for the protein content in various foods.  As you will see, plant foods do have some protein and if you have a varied diet (as the D9 recommends) then you will be just fine.  Use the main options noted above (paneer & whey, tofu, lentils/legumes, Greek yoghurt + eggs if you eat them) and the rest of your D9 diet will add to it!

The below is just an example to make the point that there is some protein in most foods, so don't worry about eating the specific foods listed here (and...we know that Nuts are listed here but they are not Ok for fat-loss in excessive quantities!). Feel free to save the image.

Also check out this article on Getting creative with protein, to find ideas for a variety of protein-rich dishes 🙂!

Grams of protein per serving in plant and animal foods.

(Source: Precision Nutrition)

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