D9 Activity guide

Ideas for activity and specific workouts

Shivani avatar
Written by Shivani
Updated over a week ago

The D9 has a question on activity to ensure you consciously move for at least 45 mins a day. Exercise has numerous health benefits, so only good things can come from an active lifestyle 😊.

To fire up your imagination on the various options, we've prepared a training guide with a number of ideas + specific workouts you can try at home or at your gym (whenever it opens after lockdown)!

Start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. And be sure to do a light warm up before and stretch after.

In the Coach section of your app:

Browse through the Activity section of the D9 Help Centre or 'Find an exercise to do' in the Guides section.

Looking for warm up and stretch routines? We've got them for you in the Activity section of the D9 Help Centre! You can also click below to read the following highlighted articles:

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