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Digital Journeys

Starting on October 6th, your clients can start using Journeys in the app

Updated over a week ago

Note: this feature is currently only available on Apple iOS and iPadOS devices.

Starting on October 6th, 2021, you will be able to find digital journeys in the Myndlift app.

Available digital journeys:

  1. Neurofeedback Education: For clients wanting to learn about brain waves, neurofeedback, and how it all works. The journey will complement their experience with neurofeedback training, as they'll continue to learn and form habits along the way.

  2. Behavioral Parent Training: For any parent of a child with ADHD wanting to learn about effective strategies to manage their child's behavior with exercises that are based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles.

Education lessons

Each journey contains bite-sized lessons that teach the client about a specific topic and how to form habits.

Your clients will see these lessons in the home screen and can complete them whenever they want.

Some lessons come with goals and journals to help them internalize the information better, and as a result, improve their training process.


Clients can journal and you can provide text feedback.

Your clients will be able to journal about their training, progress, and the goals they're trying to achieve, all directly from the app.

Best thing about it? They can choose to share it with you and you can provide text feedback to encourage or help them along the way!

IMPORTANT: You can choose to disable journal sharing by default for new clients or disable it entirely for specific clients.

CBT-based exercises

Exercises to help in the moment, based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles.

They currently include:

  • Feeling sad

  • Feeling stressed

  • Affirmations

  • More...

Want to try it now?

By default, your dashboard includes a sample client account that you can use to test this feature. You can find it by its e-mail address, which has the following format: demo.[your dashboard e-mail address]

Once on the client's profile page, reset its account password and log into the Myndlift app using the e-mail and new password to see the journey for yourself!

Your dashboard: Opting in and out of digital journeys

Should you not wish to display the digital Journey content to your clients, you can opt out in two ways:

  1. Opt out from the Preferences page. This disables it as a default for new clients.

    • Expand the side menu on the top left-hand corner and select 'Preferences'.

  2. Opt out from the User Page. This disables it only for a specific client.

    • Visit the client's list, enter the desired client page and disable it from the 'Digital Care' tab, on the top of the screen.

Opting out of journal/entry sharing:

Should you wish not to see the content of the journal entries of your clients, you can opt-out as mentioned above.

Do you have any questions? Send your inquiry to or chat with us through the Myndlift Dashboard!

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