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Hold Points & Witness Points

Learn how to setup and track Hold Points (HPs) and Witness Points (WPs) in Dashpivot by following these best practices.

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over 7 months ago


Hold points and witness points can slow down your projects - and cost you time and money waiting for sign-off. But hold points and witness points are not the problem. They are necessary for maintaining quality and quality assurance between parties and stakeholders.

The problem with hold points and witness points is how they're handled. Managing approval signatures and cross-party communication with paper, rigid word and excel documents and emailing back and forth is time-consuming and ineffective when you're trying to deliver a project.

Dashpivot makes managing your hold and witness points process easy through simple workflow automations and digitisation. Using Dashpivot, completing hold points and witness points and signing them off digitally is easy no matter where you are or what device you are using. Once filled in or completed and signed off, Dashpivot workflows automatically notify the next person responsible for signing it off - whether they are an internal or external party.

Managing your witness points and hold points with Dashpivot speeds up and simplifies the entire process, making it professional and fast - meaning less time spent waiting on approvals and more time spent moving projects forward.

How it works

Key features

  • Access and fill out HPs and WPs on site using the mobile/tablet app

  • Add photos and videos to the form

  • Instantly and automatically notify the right person as its signed off, so they can sign off the next step (and do so remotely if preferred)

  • Automatically number every hold point

  • Automatically generate a register of all hold points

Best practices

  • Setup your Hold Points and Witness Point release forms as workflows to clarify and standardise the approval process

  • Setup workflow notifications at each step in the workflow to notify the right person at the right time (instantly)

  • Include a photo field on the template so that visual detail can be attached

  • In the template builder, turn on the 'form counter' to automatically generate a unique number for each HP / Wp

Getting started

You can access Free Hold Point and Witness Point Templates from Dashpivot's Template Library. Go to Templates > Add Template > Choose from Free Public Template Library.


You can see an example of the Hold Point Inspection template here.

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