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Job Pack

Learn how to organise general project information for your team

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over a week ago


When starting a new project, there is often some general information about the project which needs to be captured and shared with everyone in the project team.

This may include the project address, scope, duration, client information, key contact information, as well as documents like drawings, specifications, project plans, schedules, and standards.

Dashpivot helps keep this information organised for the whole team to access it on their phones, tablets and computers.

Key Features

  • Standardise the information you capture/provide for your teams

  • Link photos or attach PDF documents and drawings

  • Access records on the go via the mobile/tablet app

  • Download, print or send your forms as PDFs, with professional layout and company branding

Best Practices

  • Include a table for any PDFs, with a column for attachments (using an attachment cell), and a column for comments (using a text cell)

  • Include a photo field to attach relevant photos

Getting started

You can access a Free Job Pack Template from Dashpivot's Template Library. Go to Templates > Add Template > Choose from Free Public Template Library.

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