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How to export Origin-Destination matrix?

Overal statistics about object movements within minutes!

DataFromSky avatar
Written by DataFromSky
Updated over 11 months ago

Have you set your gates and are you looking for possibilities of how to export data? Thanks to Origin-Destination matrix data you can get not only excel file export but Origin-Destination Vehicle Flow graph or visual export of data between every two gates as well. See how easy it is through the DataFromSky Viewer in a couple of steps.

To be able to get the OD matrix, you have to set virtual entry, exit, or neutral gates through the DataFromSky Viewer to your video. See the step-by-step manual on how to set gates in this article.

Once you set your own virtual gates within the video you can export the OD matrix. Click on the Analysis menu and select Show Origin-Destination Statistics. The Origin-Destination Statistic Matrix menu appears.

Sidenote: the Crossing Events Checksum value (36 in the screenshot above) tells you the difference between the number of crossing events and exit events on your gates. Therefore it tells you that X number of trajectories either pass through only entry gate/s or only exit gate/s and gives you the difference between these values.

In the menu, you can set the required parameters for your Origin-Destination Matrix. 

  • Checkbox "Whole video sequence” – By unchecking this option, you can select a specific part of the video.

  • On the Types menu, select the objects for which you want to perform statistics.

  • And now the Statistics Matrix: here you can choose what data you want to export. You can choose between Vehicle counts, Average Time, Minimal Time, Maximal Time, Median Time, Standard Deviation

In the image below you can see an example image export for directionally color-coded trajectories. Want to learn how to do it? Read more in the Direction Colouring section of this article.

Vehicles Count - Normalisation Type section: 

  • Show Counts (no normalization) – Only the numbers of objects passed from each entry gate to each exit gate are listed in the matrix.

  • Divide by maximum value – The numbers in the matrix indicate the ratio between the maximum number of objects and the number of objects that have passed through the given pair of gates listed.

  • Divide by the sum of values – The numbers in the matrix indicate the ratio between the total number of objects and the number of objects that have passed through the pair of gates listed.

These options have additional sub-options:

  • Across the whole matrix – In this case, the ratio will be applied to the entire matrix.

  • For each entry gate – In this case, the ratio will be relative to each entry gate separately.

  • For each exit gate – In this case, the ratio will be relative to each exit gate separately.

Average Time, Minimal Time, Maximal Time, Median Time, Standard Deviation

  • The average driving times from the entry gate to the exit gate will be entered into the matrix.

  • The other times will be listed with other options like Minimal Time, Maximal Time, Median Time, and Standard Deviation.

If you click on a combination of gates in the Origin-Destination Matrix, you will see a table that contains all the path data between chosen gates (object counts, average times, etc.).

Click the export button to export.CSV file that you can open by Microsoft Excel. See export of Vehicle count set to Show Counts (no normalization) below:

Origin-Destination Flow Graphs

Flow Graphs are used to display the number of objects passed through the Gates over time

By default, the Flow Graph displays the total number of objects that passed between the gates in the entire video sequence. In the Add O/D Flow Graph field, you can mark a specific pair of gates for which you want to generate a Flow Graph. You can also display a graph for multiple pairs of gates at once. Press CTRL and click on the desired pair of gates, then click Add Graph to the Chart.

In the Parameters field you can set:

  • Time window width [h:m:s] - Adjust the vertical axis sensitivity.

  • Reference Event - Based on what event the graph will be displayed. (entry, exit).

  • Graph Fill - Graph fills appearance. 

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