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FLOW Block settings guide

This article covers the different block settings such as name, settings import/export, SSL web certificates and UDP server settings.

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Written by DataFromSky
Updated over a week ago

Block settings

These settings apply to the Block as a whole, so they're only visible to users with the Admin role. Learn more about user management and setting user rights here. The Block settings currently have 4 sections:

General Block settings

In the first and most important Block settings section, you can set the Block's name, view, or set the current time. Either you set the time manually, or you specify a space-separated list of NTP server addresses from which the Block can pull the correct time. Note that time settings are not available on the Demokit and on TrafficCamera devices. To set the time on TrafficCamera devices, use their web interface. More on how to set this up can be found in the TrafficCamera Manual.

Settings export and import

This section allows you to export and save the current settings analytic and user settings in a ZIP file. This ZIP file can later be used to import the settings. Please note that when you import the settings you override the current ones. You can only import settings from the same or earlier version of FLOW with respect to the BLOCK's current version. To learn more about this feature read the full article. Below you can see what this section looks like.

SSL Certificate

You can use your own trusted certification authority to protect your data. This function is available in the Block settings under the “SSL webserver certificate for REST API” section in FLOW 1.13 and higher. Find the full guide for SSL here:

To change the default SSL certificate:

  1. Select a new SSL certificate by clicking on the "Browse..." button

  2. Do the same for the SSL key

  3. And import the new certificate by clicking on the "Import and use" button

  4. If the import is successful, the details of the imported certificate will be displayed; otherwise, an error or warning message is displayed

To restore the default certificate:

You can restore the default certificate at any time by clicking the "Replace with default" button.


  • If you upload an expired or self-signed certificate, Insights will notify you whenever you try to connect to the device.

  • This function is available in version 1.13 and higher.

UDP server settings

Here you can define the port and max. size of the datagrams that UDP sinks send (when enabled, the server fragments the data as requested). To learn more about this read on here.


We hope you have found all the necessary information. Perhaps you wanted to learn about the Analytics settings instead? If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us!

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