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TrafficSurvey Viewer v. 0.5.42 - feature overview - trajectory cutting, pixel coordinates, traffic region assignment
TrafficSurvey Viewer v. 0.5.42 - feature overview - trajectory cutting, pixel coordinates, traffic region assignment

Learn about trajectory cutting, pixel coordinates export or advaced Traffic Region occupancy options in this version summary.

DataFromSky avatar
Written by DataFromSky
Updated over a week ago

This short article summarizes the changes in the 0.5.42 version of TrafficSurvey Viewer. This version includes changes such as the addition of a trajectory-cutting feature, pixel coordinates export, enhanced TrafficRegion and ActionRegion presence analysis, and a quality-of-life improvement that saves the view settings.

1. Trajectory cutting

This feature can be used in multiple ways. It can help you:
A) Focus Your Analysis

B) Improve Safety Analysis Quality

C) Eliminate Unwanted Trajectory Handovers in Problematic Areas

You can learn more about this advanced feature in this article.

2. Pixel coordinates export

The export trajectories to CSV export now includes multiple new settings. It now has a

Checkbox to include pixel data - "Export coordinates in image space (px)". This gives you the position of the object in regard to the X/Y pixel coordinates of the video frame for the given export frame. Please note that 0/0 is the top left corner of the image frame while the X axis is from left to right, and the Y axis is from the top down in from that said top left corner.

It is also important to select the appropriate Image Coordinates System. For example, if you want to overlay the pixel position over the "raw" video view then you should select the Raw (distorted) option. See the image below highlighting all of the abovementioned new export settings.

The export of pixel coordinates has been also added to all Safety Analyses exports. More information about what is and how to use the Safety Analysis is in this guide. In the image below you can see where to find the option to include the pixel data in your safety analysis exports.

3. Export trajectory traffic region assignment

The trajectory export to CSV export has been updated to include information on the presence of each object in regard to the defined Traffic Regions. This feature can for example be useful for detecting jaywalking, blocking vehicles, or the presence of vehicles in unwanted areas.

Using this export you can find out in which frame and time the trajectory enters and leaves which Traffic Region. This is based on the "trajectory time origin" settings you use.

For each of the "frames" or exporting steps you set you get this data about the trajectory:

Trajectory(x [deg]; y [deg]; Speed [km/h]; Tan. Acc. [ms-2]; Lat. Acc. [ms-2]; Time [s]; Image x [px]; Image y [px]; Traffic Regions(list);

Below is an example of the repeating section of the data sentence for the csv export where you can see that for the given frame the example trajectory is present in both Traffic Region 17 and Traffic Region 16.

9970727494917088.000000; -466549965585389504.000000; 21.6375; -0.5757; 2.4035; 1.534867; 886.36; 291.02; "Traffic Region 17; Traffic Region 16";

As you can see at the end there is the Traffic Regions (list). This is the list of Traffic Regions the trajectory is currently located in. For this export, there are two nested fields (in the export csv), where the nested field is distinguished by starting and ending with quotes "TR1; TR2; TR3," containing the names of traffic regions. You can configure the names of the Traffic Regions as needed when working with them in the annotation configuration. The default name is "Traffic Region {ID}." Also please note that your given annotation configuration which includes the Traffic Regions of interest must be active to ensure the export to includes them.

4. View settings saving

This little new feature automatically saves the view settings like the trajectory flag or video quality based on the last settings you had when you were working in TrafficSurvey Viewer. Please note that if both are georegistered the same settings will be loaded from the register. If you are however loading ungeoregistered file after having opened a georegistered one or the other way around the settings are not kept. In the image below you can see the trajectory flag visualization panel where you can turn the different data visualisations on and off.


This concludes the feature summary for TrafficSurvey Viewer 0.5.42. We hope you have enjoyed learning about these exciting new features and learned how they can be accessed and used. We are also looking forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions, you can search the help section or contact us using the chat button in the bottom right corner of the page. To get notified about updates or events where you can meet us please follow us on LinkedIn.

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