There are automatic notifications available in Decipher that lenders can activate. These may be internal notifications to team members when an application reaches a certain stage or notifications sent to borrowers when they have submitted their application or reached a certain stage. If you have Admin access, you can configure/activate these custom messages by going to Account Settings > Custom Messages.
Custom Message Types and their Descriptions.ย
Internal Email at Application Stage - Triggers an internal email to your team when an application hits a certain stage. Requires an email template to be created and stored in Email templates prior to activating the email notification.
Client Email at Application stage - Triggers an outgoing email to your applicant upon their application reaching a certain stage. For example, when an application is submitted, you may want to trigger another automatic message with next steps for the applicant. Requires an email template to be created and stored in Email templates prior to activating the email notification.
Application Submit - Edit the Message that appears to the applicant as soon as they click Submit on their application. Example: Your application has been received! We will be in touch shortly.
eSignature Landing Page - Edit the Message that appears at the top of the page when a document is received for signature. Example: Review & Sign Below.
User Has Been Invited Notification - Triggers an automatic message to an outside partner/broker alerting them they have been invited to sign into Decipher and view a deal they have been assigned. Requires an email template to be added and stored in Email templates prior to activating alert. Also requires that the external individual be given access to Decipher either via the Business Relationships tab or directly within any application itself using the Share-a-Deal Feature.
Client Connected Bank Account Notification - Triggers an email when a prospect connects their bank account.
Client Connection Lost - Triggers an email when a bank account or accounting software becomes disconnected.
Document Management Notifications:
Document Status Change Notification - Triggers an internal email alert when a document sent for signature has changed status. Many statuses are available: Viewed, Signed, etc. For example, you want to know when a document has been fully executed by all parties, select the "Fully Signed" status.
Document Fully Signed - Triggers a notification to the Client once an E-signature document has been completed.
Document Fully Signed/Email List - Triggers a notification to an outside individual or anyone who is not a signor but needs to be informed that a document has been completed and attaches the signed document for reference.
Document Upload Notifications - Triggers an alert when a client uploads a file into their portal or when a team member uploads a file.
Other Automated Notifications that can be setup directly in Email templates:
Signature Reminder Notification - Triggers an automated Reminder Email to the client when lenders click the "Resend" button to remind a client to E-sign a document and includes the link to the document for signature.
For more information on setting up Notifications see article: Creating Internal Email Notifications.
How to get to Notifications (Admin Access only):
Step 1: Navigate to Your Profile on the Upper Right Corner and click on Account Settings.
Step 2: Click on Notifications. From there you can create new notifications and edit existing ones.
Additional Notifications Related to Workflows.
Decipher can set up additional notifications based on various triggers involving specialized Workflows. Contact support for more information on the notifications available through Workflows.
These include:
File Upload Notifications