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How Delve ranks your designs

How Delve sorts your designs, recommends the top three, and selects best options for your study by GFA and metrics.

Updated over 2 years ago

How does Delve rank your designs?

Delve ranks your designs to present the most helpful options for your study, based on your inputs and generated results.

Top 3 Overall

When you review results for your study, you'll first see Delve's three recommended options β€” the "Top 3 Overall".

If you pick a Yield Study, Delve will rank options based on Gross Floor Area (GFA). The ranking is organized to show the variety of use types in your program and illustrate what's possible. For example, if you had Residential, Office and Retail use types, you might see three options at high GFA for the site but with different program: one that is mostly multi-family apartment buildings, and another that includes commercial office towers.

If you pick a Highest and Best Use Study, Delve will rank options based on their balanced performance for GFA and your selected metrics. For example: if you selected Development Yield and Sun Hours, you would see options that balance a good return on investment with good sun access for parks in the site.

Best for GFA

Delve will also show you designs that are "Best for GFA" at different total densities, so you can see what your site looks like at low, medium and high build-outs. You can think of this as a nice way to conduct a sensitivity analysis for your site β€” and it comes out-of-the box with each study!

Best by Metric

When creating a Highest and Best Use Study, Delve will automatically rank the generated designs based on their performance on each metric calculated within the study. You can use this view to review designs that outperform other options for individual metrics that surfaced from the rankings. "Best by Metric" makes it easy to identify designs of interest that maximize Sun Hours metrics or any number of other comparative metrics.

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