You can gain access to the various promotional links and materials by clicking through to your "My Projects" page > and then clicking the
[ Invite Clients ] button in the top right.
At the top of the screen, select which page your client will land on:
Packages Page (requires additional setup)
Questionnaire Page (without paying)
Select which questionnaire you would like to share from the drop-down menu. You have the option of creating multiple questionnaires and choosing which ones to share with specific clients.
And then pick your promotional method:
Promote Your Design Questionnaire by Email
Promote Your Design Questionnaire on Facebook
Promote Your Design Questionnaire on Twitter
Grab Your Design Questionnaire Page Link
Add a 'Invite Client' Widget to Your Website
And then your potential client will click your link and be directed to either your Packages page or Questionnaire where they can initiate a project request.