When generating portfolio results in the DAS Rural Platform, you are given the option to choose between "All Farms" or "My Farms". Here's how to choose between these options:
My Farms
This option will only search for custom farms that have been mapped within your DAS Rural Platform. This option is useful if you only want to see results for a specific set of custom farms.
All Farms
All Farms, on the other hand, will use all ratable properties and the custom farms within the platform. This option is useful if you want to see results for all the available farms in the platform.
To choose between these options, select the appropriate option from the dropdown. Just so you know, the results will vary depending on your chosen option - one of these options needs to be created for the query to be run.
If you're unsure which option to choose, it's always best to consult your DAS Rural Platform support team for guidance.