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How To: Troubleshoot Device Connectivity

This guide will help you understand how to troubleshoot connectivity to an end device in Dispel

Matt Fulk avatar
Written by Matt Fulk
Updated over 3 months ago

Wicket Connection:

Onboard your wicket as an end device in the console, grant yourself access to it over TCP port 22, and ssh to it from a VDI using PuTTY.

If you are unable to reach the wicket, then this means there is an issue between the wicket and the Dispel cloud network. Most commonly this means that the wicket's tunnel is not up. You can follow this guide to troubleshoot the wicket's connection:

End Device Connection:

From the wicket you can test connection to the end device you are trying to reach over two main tools.


Telnet can be used to test a wicket's connection to a device on a certain port. In order to use telnet to test a connection from the wicket you can run the command in the following format:

sudo telnet <ip> <port>

A successful connection will look like this:

To exit a successful connetion hit CTRL + ], press ENTER, and then hit CTRL + D

A failed connection will look like this:

Hit CTRL + C to exit a failed connection attempt


Ping can be used to attempt an ICMP connection to a device. In order to use ping to test a connection from the wicket you can run the command in the following format:

ping <ip>

A successful connection will look like this:

To exit a successful ping attempt hit CTRL + C

A failed connection attempt will look like this:

To exit a failed ping attempt hit CTRL + C

Listening for Traffic:

Additionally, you can listen for traffic on the wicket using tcpdump. This can confirm that traffic from your VDI is making it to the wicket. In order to use tcpdump to listen for traffic from your VDI you can run the command in the following format:

sudo tcpdump -ni any host <device ip>

To exit tcpdump hit CTRL + C

To match your VDI to the traffic in tcpdump you can run ipconfig on the VDI in a command prompt and look for your tunnel IP. In this case the tunnel Ip is


If you are able to reach an end device from the wicket, then you should be able to reach it from the VDI. If you are unable to reach the device from the VDI, then please reach out to Dispel support for further assistance.

The most common issue that could cause these symptoms is the subnet for the device is not onboarded to the wicket you are using. Each subnet needs to be routed to a particular wicket through Dispel, and if this subnet is not onboarded then the traffic from your VDI may never reach the wicket.

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