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Feature Overview: Groups

Overview of the Groups feature on the web Dashboard

Written by Jacob Nates
Updated over a week ago


This article covers the basics of the Groups feature, including what it is and how to use it in the Dispel Dashboard.

What is the groups feature?

Groups is a feature in the Dispel Dashboard that focuses on two improvements to the admin workflow:

  • Simplifying the onboarding of new users by assigning predetermined permissions.

    • i.e., "Vendors" and "Operators”

  • Faster bulk actions for assigning user permissions and device ACLs (Access Control Lists) to existing users.

When a new user is onboarded, they can be assigned to a group that automatically inserts them into the appropriate regions and facilities with predetermined permission levels.

Additionally, let's assume that all of these users need RDP access to a device. With group bulk actions, you can grant RDP access to that device to all members in that group at once - rather than needing to click through and apply that access to every one of those users manually.

This will allow for easy scaling within your organization's Dispel deployment. If hundreds of users are on the dashboard, a few mouse clicks could update permissions and ACLs for all of them.

Groups Walkthrough

Creating a Group

  1. Navigate to the Groups page on the left-hand navigation bar in the Dashboard and click Create a Group at the top of the page.

  2. Assign a name and description to your group and click Create Group.

Adding Regions and Facilities

  1. Navigate to the Regions and Facilities tab on the Groups page and click Add region or facility.

  2. Select the regions or facilities you’d like to add to this group, verify they have the correct permission level, and then click Add Regions and Facilities to Group.

Removing Regions and Facilities

  1. Navigate to the Regions and Facilities tab on the Groups page, select the region or facility you’d like to remove, and then click Remove and refresh.

Adding Members to a Group

  1. Navigate to the Members tab on the Groups page and click Add Members

  2. Select the members you’d like to add from the list, and then click Add members and refresh.

Members can be removed by highlighting them in the members tab and clicking Remove members and refresh.

Assigning ACLs to a Group

  1. Navigate to the group you are making changes to on the Groups page and click Access.

  2. Select the relevant ports on the desired devices and click Set ACL rules.

Removing ACLs is as simple as deselecting the ports in question and clicking Set ACL rules.

Editing Group Name or Description

  1. Navigate to Settings on the groups page.

  2. Under General, you can alter the name and description of the group and click Submit changes to update them.

Deleting a Group

  1. Navigate to the Groups page and click on the group you would like to delete.

  2. Navigate to Settings on the right-hand side of the screen, click the Delete Group tab, and then click the Delete Group button after reading the warning message.


The Groups feature allows admins to have an easier flow for managing user permissions and ACLs within their organization. Instead of having to assign each permission manually for every user in question, an admin is able to make changes to many users in just a few clicks.

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