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Roles - What are these options for?
Roles - What are these options for?
Written by John Komarkowski
Updated over 8 months ago

ALLOW - This Allows user to carry out this function
PRIVILEGE ESCALATION REQUIRED - This will require a supervisor with correct access to enter their password before user can continue with this function
HIDDEN - This will remove the ability for user to see this function.

Check out Screen Box - This option enables user to have access to Checkout screen
(if using clock in/clock out, we may turn this off for Chefs, or other Staff that do not need access to this screen.

Checkout Screen: Clear order - Allows user to clear an order from the Checkout Screen

Checkout Screen: Add Manual Discount - Allows the user to add a manual discount to entire order, or single item on an order.

Checkout Screen: Add Manual Discount (Percent)* - Here we add the maximum manual percentage this user will be able to add to an order.

Checkout Screen: Unrestricted Cash Drawer - Allows the user to open the cash drawer at any stage

Checkout Screen: Delete Saved Items - Allows the user to delete items from a sent order

Checkout Screen: Change Unit Price - Allows the user to change the unit price on singular products

Checkout Screen: Change Owner Order - Allows the user to change the name of the person owning the order

Checkout Screen: Tab Limit - This will allow the user to create a "tab"

Checkout Screen: Tab Limit (Amount)* - Maximum amount user is able to give a customer for a tab.

Checkout Screen: Change Tab Limit - Enables ability to increase or change the tab amount currently given to customer.

Checkout Screen: Change Tab Limit (Amount)* - The new max amount that a tab can be increased to.

Orders Screen Check Box- This Will allow user to be able to access the "Orders" screen.

Orders Screen: Clear order - Allows user to clear an order from the orders screen

Orders Screen: Bulk Clear order - Allows user to bulk clear multiple orders at once using actions > select all.

Orders Screen: Change Owner Order - Allows user to change the name of order owner (Staff member who entered the order).

Menu Screen Checkbox - Enables ability to enter the 3 Line Menu (Burger Menu)

Menu Screen: Close Day Action - Enables user to See and access the Close Day screen

Menu Screen: Report Action - Enables user to See and access the Reports Screen

Menu Screen: Settings Action - Enables user to See and access the Settings Screen

Menu Screen: Orders Action - Enables user to See and access the Orders screen from the menu.

Transaction Screen Checkbox - Allows user access to the transactions Screen.

Transactions Screen: Refund Action - Allows user to process a refund

Transactions Screen: Reopen Action - Allows user to process a Refund & Reopen of an order

Transactions Screen: Max Tips Percent Pre Auth Payment - Allows user to access the max tip percentage for preauthorised payments (mainly for America)

Settings Screen Checkbox - Allows user to see Settings option in the menu

Settings Screen: Support Action - Enables user to see extra Support settings that are hidden by default.

Tables Screen Checkbox - Allows user to access the tables screen from either the menu or the main Checkout screen

Tables Screen: Table Management - Gives user access to the table management options

Progress Payment Screen Checkbox - Allows user access to this specific screen

Close Day Screen Checkbox - Enables user Access to close day screen and functions

Reports Screen Checkbox - Enables user access to reports screen and functions

ACTIVE Checkbox - Determines whether this Role type will be active or inactive (hidden)

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