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Dendreo integration: groups and learning paths

The Dendreo integration has been enhanced with new features

Salim avatar
Written by Salim
Updated over 2 years ago

1) Groups

The "Group" features of your Dokeos training portal can now be synchronized with your Dendreo training management portal.

In Dendreo, you can activate the synchronization by going to Configuration > Dokeos :

Once the function is activated, your (Dokeos) group will be automatically created for each (Dendreo) ADF with a module synchronized with Dokeos. You don't have to do anything on the Dendreo side, the group (Dokeos) will automatically synchronize with each registration or unregistration of a Participant.

> The name of the group (Dokeos) created will automatically include the title and the complete number of the ADF.

> You can rename the group (Dokeos) if you wish, this will not interfere with the synchronization of the Dendreo listings.

Thanks to the Groups you can easily make statistics or connection logs on Dokeos, corresponding exactly to the participants registered on Participants registered on Dendreo ADFs!

⚠️ Groups (Dokeos) and Participants groups (Dendreo) functionalities are completely independent, do not confuse them!

2) Training paths

If you attach a Training Path (Dokeos) comprising several courses organized in a linear order (do 1 then 2 and so on...), your learners will only be able to access the courses in the order defined in your path.

In Dendreo, you can activate the synchronization by going to Configuration > Dokeos :

You then need to configure your training courses on Dokeos, then, if you create an ADF with several modules synchronized with Dokeos (with a priori identical date ranges), you will have the possibility to associate it with the Dokeos training path that corresponds to these modules:

On Dendreo, the sequential access is not displayed, but if the participant tries to access from his Extranet to module n°2 when he has not finished module n°1, then Dokeos will indicate that access is impossible and will invite him to first complete module n°1 first.

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