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Update 13/01/2022

Follow the correction, implementation of new features and new developments.

Félix Vercouter avatar
Written by Félix Vercouter
Updated over a week ago

Hello !

First of all, if we haven't had the chance to talk together, allow me to wish you all the best for this new year 2022 in the name of all the Dokeos Team !

On January the 13th 2022, there was an update on the Dokeos XLMS portal. We detail in this article all the elements deployed in production.


  • In the settings of the training creation or edition, you can now activate the option
    Notify the trainers when a learner complete the course
    Cette option permettra aux formateurs de recevoir un email les avertissant qu'un apprenant a terminé le cours et un lien direct vers la page statistique de l'apprenant est intégré à l'email.

    If some trainers don't want to receive those notifications, they can disable it in their "My settings" page :

  • When you create your course with synchrone modules, you'll find a new option that will send an automatic reminder email to the learner for a Webinar / Presential session the day before.

  • You can now export all the certificates for a course in once. To do so, go on the course statistics page and you'll see the new button "Export all the certificates".


  • Fix of an alignement bug in the preview of a training ;

  • Fix of a cache problem that made portal unavailable few minutes ;

  • Fix of a bug in the upload and conversion of some .docx files ;

  • Fix of a bug in the certificate creation for users that have accents in their name ;

  • Fix a bug on the Account Status page when accessing it in other language than FR ;

  • Fix of the Cookies banner ;

  • Fix of the Add participants button on the training vignette ;

  • Various corrections in the translations.


  • Changing the display behaviour on the Participants tab on a training page to show the dates ;

  • Improvement of the exports that didn’t respect the rules to send by email ;

  • Improvement of the error messages when resetting password ;

  • Display of Dokeos logo on the Terms and conditions page and the client’s logo on the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy pages ;

  • Change of the design for the button in the modules.

Don't hesitate to give us some feedbacks about the update.

Thank you for your interest, your time and for reading us !
Your dedicated Dokeos Product Owner team.

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