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Update 22/03/2023

Follow the correction, implementation of new features and new developments.

Félix Vercouter avatar
Written by Félix Vercouter
Updated over a week ago

Hello !

On March the 22th 2023, there was an update on the Dokeos XLMS portal. We detail in this article all the elements deployed in production.

Bug fix

  • Fix of a bug preventing the deletion of contextual message in modules by a trainer;

  • Fix of a bug preventing the edition of certificates by admin non-trainers on a training;

  • Fix of a bug on the display for the last_access_at date on training;

  • Fix of missing translation variables;

  • Fix of a bug in the starting trigger of trainings beginning with synchronous modules;

  • Fix of a bug in the project modal.


  • Added a field "custom_attribute" for the API call get/users;

  • Creation of the Certificate ID;

  • Added the filters in a stats exports for the group leader;

  • Added the possibility to duplicate training with/without resources;

  • Added a new webhooks trigger on the finishing of modules.


  • Direct feedback
    A new tool is now available to collect your learners' feedback on your training content. Learners can give their appreciation of each module (learning, evaluation and SCORM) as well as the training as a whole, using 3 smiley levels (Red / Orange / Green).
    You want more? You can still add a survey module at the end of the course to ask more questions and collect even more feedback!
    In your statistics dashboards, you can then consult the primary smiley by module, by course and the individual feedbacks by learner!

  • Feedback document on synchronous sessions
    You have just finished your face-to-face or virtual class session and you need to enter your learners' attendance and scores. And you want to give your learners individual feedback. This is now possible!
    When you record your learners' attendance and score, you can now send them a PDF file containing your written feedback!
    Your learners will be able to read it and prepare for the rest of their training!
    Please note that only PDF files are accepted to avoid any autonomous modification of the feedback by the learners.

  • Group leader users creation
    A group leader can now create users on the portal but they will be directly assigned to his group.
    Do not confuse "Create a member" and "Add a member". With the first, the group leader will create a member that does not yet exist, whereas with the second, he will select a learner to add to his group from the existing user base of the portal.

Don't hesitate to give us some feedbacks about the update.

Thank you for your interest, your time and for reading us !
Your dedicated Dokeos Product Owner team.

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