Server is overloaded
Updated over a week ago

If you encounter such a warning, you should first pay attention to which of the three parameters exceeds the load on the server: the CPU, hard disk or RAM.

Data on the load is displayed in the bottom panel and is checked once with a delay of 2 hours, ie if you are now working fine, but there is a notice, it does not mean that the server has a problem, it means that 2 hours ago there was a temporary load. The load at the moment, you can check by connecting via program or console (how to do it look here) using root to your server and enter the command: top

If CPU % is high then read the reasons below

The essence of this alert is that it signals to the user that some or all parameters are overloaded. Let's see how to deal with each of the parameters:

  • Hard disk. Hard disk overloading is achieved when the hard disk is almost full. The solution is very simple - deleting unnecessary files. If there are no redundant files - by expanding disk space. It is recommended to have about 40-50GB of space on your HDD. You can remove painlessly for Dolphin the content in the path: /var/www/html/uploads/creatives/ via any FTP root file manager, for example FileZilla, and if you have experience you can do it via the server console with the command: rm -rf /var/www/html/uploads/creatives/*.

  • RAM. RAM overload can occur if you run a lot of tasks in parallel. Usually this happens so rarely that no one asks about this problem, but if you come across - contact our support immediately, we will clean the queue manually (we do this not often, so if it repeats even after cleaning the queue then you need to improve the server configuration)

  • Processor. The situation with the processor is much more interesting, in terms of variation. On the processor there is a load during the uniqueness of the creatives, processing tasks for updating statistics (data loading, writing to the database, calculation of indicators), processing tasks for cleaning comments and tasks for filling. When something is configured incorrectly, the processor can be overloaded. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with these theses before contacting the seller to increase the number of processor cores.

  • The intervals for data update are set too small. In this case, increase the intervals and wait for the CPU usage statistics to be updated (about 60 minutes). Set the interval to at least 15 minutes. If you have a lot of accounts (100 or more), set an interval of at least 60 minutes or turn off automatic updates and update accounts manually. To calculate the interval is quite simple: max number of accounts/number of proxies*40-60 sec. For example, you have 100 accounts and they are distributed on 10 mobile proxies. Total is 4-6 minutes. If you have proxy IPv4 / IPv6 for each account separately, then still set 15 minutes, because more often than this interval, the actual statistics from FB is not loaded.

  • The work of Autofill in the current moment. Autofill - one of the most demanding operations, this function also includes automatic uniqueization, as a result of which the load on the CPU increases many times. We also advise to pay attention to other users of your Dolphin {Server} (Bayer, TeamLead) working with this function. To avoid this warning, use Autoload one at a time. Pay attention to the number of simultaneous tasks per fill. This can be found in "Settings" - "Create ads". It is recommended not to set more than 20 for high-powered servers (from 4 cores and 4 RAM) and 5 for low-powered (from 1 core and 2 RAM). If you have a server with 4+ CPU cores, you can set it to 25 and see how the system works. If it works poorly, you need to either increase the server configuration or reduce the number of concurrent tasks.

  • Small values of intervals of sending data to the tracker. One of the possible reasons is frequent sending of statistics to Keitaro or Binom. In this case we recommend to increase the values to at least 30-40 minutes.

  • In the "Settings" of your Dolphin {Server}, the "Basic" section, the "Use my settings for all" slider is set to active. If you have the wrong setting from the first point of the causes of CPU overload, this setting will make the situation worse for the other teammates of your server. It is recommended to disable it, make the settings and save the changes.

  • In the "Settings" of your Dolphin {Server}, the "FB Data Update" section has the "Change ipi on interface requests" slider set to active. This is only allowed if you use mobile proxies. If you do not use them, there is no need to enable this slider.

If all of the above solutions are uncompromising for you and you are not ready to increase the intervals, distribute the load on the CPU between the team members - we recommend upgrading your server configuration to a more powerful. To do this, contact the technical support of your server.

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