How to do I create a Stash account?
Simply tap the Open or + button at the top of your screen next to your Everyday account.
Give your new Stash account a name.
Choose a colour and emoji for the account.
Confirm your details and you're all done! You can then go onto transfer funds from your Everyday account by tapping on the Transfer button in the navigation panel.
Why create Stashes accounts?
Take control of your money management by creating a Stash account for your regular payments e.g. rent, monthly bills, rainy day fund, your next holiday.
Understand your money habits by having a birds eye view on where your money is going.
Make it easier for yourself to put money aside for that holiday, birthday gifts or that shirt you’ve been eyeing up.
Be more prepared for unexpected payments that might pop up by having a clear idea on how much money you have left after bills.
Safely Stash your money. All deposits are securely held on trust with a NZ registered Bank.
Please note:
You can have a maximum of 20 Stashes in your dosh account.
If you're stuck, just tap on the Support icon from the Home Screen in your dosh app or hit the blue messenger icon on the bottom right of your web browser and reach out to us. We're here to help!