1. Log in to DragonFly and select 'Schools and People' from the left-side menu.
2. Select 'Set Up Eligibility and Requirements' in the blue menu bar.
3. Select the 'Edit' icon on the right side of each requirement to review and ensure it is set up correctly. Check the following settings: Optional or Required β Expiration Rule β Instructions β How Parents/Athletes Can Submit Forms (Is it an upload or is it an electronic form?)
4. Select the forward arrow to jump to the upcoming Academic Year.
5. Select the 'Set Up for [School Year]' button in the top right corner.
6. Follow the prompts to copy your requirements to the next school year.
7. If you need to add any new requirements, like your participation fees, select the 'Add Requirement' button.
8. Share the Signup Handout with parents and students to get the word out.