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"How do I certify my athletes?"

Can this athlete play or not? School Administrators always have the final say on whether a student is certified to participate.

Jelsey Juric avatar
Written by Jelsey Juric
Updated over a week ago

We recently released a new feature for schools in our State Association partnerships that provides a "Certify" column on the Schools & People checklist.  The "Certify" column is designed to give School Administrators the ultimate say in whether a student athlete can or cannot participate in athletics for their school. Think of it as an extra layer of protection to ensure that each student athlete has met the requirements for participation.

Here's how it works:

  1. Click on the checkbox in the "Certify" column.

  2. Click the option to Certify or Uncertify the athlete listed.

  3. When certified, the checkbox will be checked.

An Administrator should mark the Certify checkbox to approve every eligible athlete. If an athlete is missing forms or information, their name will still appear in red and will not turn black when the Certify checkbox is marked.

While DragonFly will provide you with excellent information about the eligibility status of your athletes (academic, paperwork, etc.), there may still be situations where the school needs to make this determination themselves.  Athletes who are not "Certified" by their school administrators should not be allowed to participate in athletics.

Some examples of situations where an override might be necessary include the following:

  1. You can certify a student who has taken a remediation course for a previous poor grade, but this has not yet been updated in the academic system of record.

  2. You can uncertify a student who for behavioral reasons may no longer be allowed to participate, in spite of having fulfilled all eligibility requirements.

  3. You can certify a student who has transferred and been deemed eligible, but this is not yet fully indicated in the software.

There can be numerous reasons why an Administrator might need to make this decision.  So now the decision in your hands.  Certify your athletes today and get 'em in the game as quick as you can!

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