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Finding Your School In DragonFly
Finding Your School In DragonFly

Here are some tips to help you find your school when signing up or adding another school to your account.

Jelsey Juric avatar
Written by Jelsey Juric
Updated over 10 months ago

Once you have signed up through the website you will be prompted to connect to your school. Follow these steps to find your school in DragonFly:

1. Log in to DragonFly on your computer's web browser and click on your name on the left side of the screen. Select 'My Info' from the drop-down menu.

2. Select '+ Connect To School or Association' in the top right corner of your screen.

3. You will be prompted to choose your Role at the school

4. From there, pick your State

5. Finally, you can type in the name OR the school code provided

Now, you will be awaiting approval from your school's administration! Welcome to DragonFly!

Here are some helpful tips while searching for your school.

Tip #1 - Ask the School First: The school you attend in DragonFly will know how the school is listed exactly in DragonFly by name. The school administration can give you the exact spelling and can also give you the official school code to enter when signing up or adding a new school to your profile. This is absolutely the best way to get connected to your correct school.

Tip #2 - Search Specific Keywords: Many states and counties have schools with similar names such as "Central High School". Some of these schools include the city/county name in the school name. If you do not find your school at first, try searching by the city and county names to see if the school is listed that way.

Tip #3 - Special Characters: Some official school names have abbreviations, extra words, periods, hyphens, or forward slashes that may differ from the common way the school is referred to in your area. Be sure to include the special characters in your search or search by one word or the other that is connected with the special character.

ex: Clay-Chalkville instead of Clay Chalkville

Central High School of Tuscaloosa instead of just Central High School

G. W. Carver High School instead of George Washington Carver High School

Tip #4 - Different Ways Schools Are Listed: Some schools spell out the words High School and Middle School while others use the abbreviation HS and MS. In addition, there are other ways schools can be listed

ex: Carver HS instead of Carver High School

"K-8" is some times used instead of "Middle School"

"Preparatory" is used in some school names

"Secondary" instead of "High School"

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