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Using Positions in DragonFly
Using Positions in DragonFly

How to use the Positions system in DragonFly

David Sikes avatar
Written by David Sikes
Updated over 11 months ago

The positions system in DragonFly offers a streamlined way to create default officiating or game worker positions for your organization. Save time with preset positions for each sport and competition level, or create your own on the fly - easier than ever before.

Position Settings

To view positions and groups, navigate to Game Schedules and click the cog menu. Select 'Position Settings'.

Within the Position Settings window, you can see position presets, edit or add new positions, and access game groups.

Default positions and groups are available for use, but users at any level can create new positions and groups by competition type, sport, and level.

Default positions for organizations can only be edited by organization administrators (e.g. State Director of Officiating).

Position Selections

Available positions are found under 'Selections'. Here you can find positions built-in to the DragonFly system, positions created by organization administrators, and saved positions created at the school or competition level.

To add or edit a position to a sport's selections, select the sport in the upper right side. Organization administrators can create organization-wide positions, and positions default to the DragonFly system will appear as blue.

To add a position to your organization's selections, simply press 'Add Position'. Type in a short abbreviation (ideally 3 characters or fewer) and a long description, then press 'Enter' on your keyboard. Please note: abbreviation and description must be unique.

Game Groups

Every sport comes with four default game groups - Varsity and Non-Varsity Officials, and Varsity and Non-Varsity Game Workers. You can edit any of these four, reset them to organization defaults, or add new groups for specific game types.

Editing Default Groups (Varsity and Non-Varsity)

To edit a default group, simply select the group and make changes to the group.

To reset positions for the default Varsity and Non-Varsity game groups, select the red X. You'll be asked if you're sure you want to delete the group. Select 'Confirm', and the group will reset to positions chosen by your organization.

Creating New Groups

To create a new group, click "Add Group" in the bottom left corner. Name the group and define the level, contest type, season, and assignment category. Add or create positions for the group. Finally, hit 'Apply'.

You can also duplicate created groups. Select the blue duplicate icon next to a group you have created. Rename the group and make necessary changes for the new group.

Editing Positions for Individual Contests

Positions can also be added, removed, or created on the fly for individual contests.

In Game Schedules, select the contest. Navigate to 'Officials and Workers' and scroll down to the 'Officials and Workers' section.

Under each category you can remove positions by selecting the trash icon, or add new ones by selecting 'Add Position'.

In the Add Positions window, select an available position from selections or create a new one by entering in a unique abbreviation and description. Press enter. You'll be asked if this position is only for this competition ('Only one time') or if it should also be saved to your Selections for future use ('More than once').

Click 'Apply'.

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