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Connect Student Athletes Or Entire Teams To Another Organization
Connect Student Athletes Or Entire Teams To Another Organization

Quickly add student-athletes or entire teams to another organization by using bulk actions in DragonFly

David Sikes avatar
Written by David Sikes
Updated over 10 months ago

DragonFly makes it easy for administrators and principals to connect a group of student-athletes or team to another organization.

Important note: to connect student-athletes or a team to another organization, your account must already be connected to both organizations.

Select Student-Athletes or Team

First, navigate to School & People in the navigation. Select the school year and team to find the student-athletes you want to connect to another organization. You must select a team or the bulk actions will not be available to you.

If you are connecting only a few student-athletes, select only the names you want to connect.

If you want to add an entire team to another organization, do not select any names.

Important: If no names are selected, the entire team will be moved.

Connect To Another Organization

With the team or student-athletes selected using the steps above, click the 'Actions' dropdown and select 'Bulk Team Actions'. If you are not able to use the bulk team actions, please make sure that you have filtered down to a specific team.

To connect the student-athletes or team to another organization, select 'Connect To New Organization'. Connecting does not remove the student-athletes from their current organization; it simply connects them to an additional organization.

Please note that you can only connect to other organizations your account is connected to. This safeguard is in place to prevent student-athletes from having their information sent to the wrong organization.

After selecting the organization, identify the academic year and team you want to connect the student-athletes to. Click 'Save', then confirm your selections. If some student-athletes are already connected, they will not be duplicated in the connected organization.

Final Steps

The connected students will have to be approved by an administrative user from the connected organization. If you have administrative access to both organizations already, the connection is automatically approved and no further steps are necessary.

Connecting An Entire Team To Another Organization

As mentioned earlier, to move an entire team simply do not select any names. If no names are selected, an entire team will be moved.

The final message will confirm that you are intending to move an entire team.

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