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Mass Linking in DragonFly
Mass Linking in DragonFly

A powerful way to link multiple games in a single step

David Sikes avatar
Written by David Sikes
Updated over 8 months ago

The Mass Link tool in DragonFly is an efficient way to create many links in one step. If you only need to create a single link, delete a single link, or remove a game from a link, check out this article on Linking and Unlinking.

Filter Game Schedule

First, navigate to the Game Schedule in DragonFly. Filter to the games you want to link together using the Game Schedule tools. In the below example, we filter by 2024-2025 academic year, and limit the results to Basketball (Boy's & Girl's) and Football.

Mass Link

Select all games you want to Mass Link. Then click "Actions" and click on "Mass Link Games."

Here you will see the Mass Link dialogue.

This window explains that games will be linked if they are:

  • The same sports

  • One of the selected levels

  • Within the provided time window of each other

  • With the same host or facility

Below this information you will see some information for the number of games you have selected and what sports you have selected. In the below example, there are 50 games selected and the sports are Basketball and Football.

Next, you will see your options for the links. You can set the maximum number of games in a link (default is 3, maximum is 9), the maximum hours apart the games can be to be linked (default is 3, maximum is 9) and the competition levels.

You may also choose if the games should be linked across genders and whether the link will require the same host, the same facility, or both. By default 'Require Same Facility' is selected. To not require the same facility, you must first select 'Require Same Host'.

When you have made your selections, click 'Validate Mass Link'.

Following this, you will see a confirmation window that verifies the number of games to be linked and the number that are unable to be linked. For more information on why any games could not be linked, scroll down to the bottom of the list.

Finally, click 'Link Games'.

Mass Unlink

To perform a Mass Unlink, first filter the Game Schedule to the games you need to unlink. Select the games you want to unlink, then click "Actions" then "Mass Unlink Games".

Please note: if any game in a link is selected for Mass Unlink, the entire link will be deleted and all games in the link will be unlinked. If you only want to unlink a single games, please see this article for instructions.

In this first example a single game has been selected. You'll see in the confirmation window that every game that game is linked to will have its link removed.

In this next example, many more games are selected. The window that follows verifies the number of games to be unlinked.

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