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Advanced Dopamine and Norepinephrine Reuptake Formula
Advanced Dopamine and Norepinephrine Reuptake Formula

Revamp your mood and motivation using cutting edge peptides and compounds provided by Dripdok.

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Written by Dripdok Medical
Updated over a week ago

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Advanced Dopamine and Norepinephrine Reuptake Formula

This formula is designed to enhance cognitive function and repair areas of the brain damaged by technology overuse or substance abuse, particularly targeting the prefrontal cortex (PFC).

The advanced dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake formula outlined is designed for individuals experiencing cognitive decline or damage to the prefrontal cortex (PFC) due to various factors such as prolonged technology use, substance abuse, or neurodegenerative conditions.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of who might benefit from this protocol:

Target Audience:

  1. Individuals with Cognitive Decline:

    • Symptoms: Memory loss, reduced attention span, difficulty with problem-solving, and other cognitive impairments.

    • Causes: Age-related decline, neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's), or chronic stress.

  2. People Recovering from Substance Abuse:

    • Symptoms: Cognitive deficits, mood disorders, and neurochemical imbalances resulting from prolonged substance abuse.

    • Substances: Stimulants (e.g., amphetamines), opioids, alcohol, and other neurotoxic substances.

  3. Technology Overuse:

    • Symptoms: Digital dementia, brain fog, attention disorders, and reduced executive function due to excessive screen time and technology use.

    • Causes: Prolonged exposure to digital devices, leading to neuroplastic changes and cognitive overload.

  4. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Survivors:

    • Symptoms: Cognitive impairments, mood disorders, and neuroinflammation following a brain injury.

    • Recovery: Enhancing neurogenesis and neuroprotection to aid in recovery and improve cognitive function.

  5. Individuals with Dopamine Dysfunction:

    • Symptoms: Low motivation, anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure), depression, and attention disorders.

    • Causes: Genetic predisposition, chronic stress, poor diet, or environmental toxins affecting dopamine pathways.

  6. Patients with Specific Neuropsychiatric Disorders:

    • Symptoms: Depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other conditions linked to imbalances in dopamine and norepinephrine levels.

    • Treatment Goals: Modulating neurotransmitter levels to improve mood, focus, and overall mental health.

  7. Males Exhibiting Finesteride Syndrome: Propicia (DHT Blocker known as Finesteride) commonly causes 8/10 men to lose libido for 5 years or longer. It's very difficult to reverse as 80% after a year becomes psychological.

Goals of the Protocol:

  • Enhance Cognitive Function: Improve memory, attention, and executive function by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine availability.

  • Neuroprotection and Repair: Support the brain's natural repair mechanisms and protect against further neurodegeneration.

  • Mood Stabilization: Address mood disorders associated with dopamine dysfunction, such as depression and anxiety.

  • Support Recovery: Aid in the recovery of cognitive function and emotional stability for individuals recovering from substance abuse or brain injuries.

Expected Benefits:

  • Improved cognitive clarity and function.

  • Enhanced mood and motivation.

  • Increased resilience to stress and better overall mental health.

  • Reduction in neuroinflammatory processes and support for neurogenesis.

  • Overall improvement in quality of life for individuals with neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders.

This protocol is a comprehensive approach, combining cutting-edge peptides, research compounds, and essential cofactors to address the multifaceted needs of individuals experiencing cognitive decline or dysfunction related to dopamine and norepinephrine imbalances.

The following compounds have been selected for their synergistic effects on dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake, neuroprotection, and cognitive enhancement.

Products used; DNSP-11, Tesofensine, P5P, NA-Semax, Cerebrolysin, & NAD+


  1. DNSP-11 (Dopamine Neuron Stimulating Peptide)

    • Dosage: 10 mg subcutaneously, twice a week.

    • Function: Promotes the survival of dopamine neurons and enhances their function.

  2. Tesofensine

    • Dosage: 0.5 mg orally, daily.

    • Function: A potent inhibitor of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin reuptake, leading to increased concentrations of these neurotransmitters in the brain.

  3. P5P (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)

    • Dosage: 100 mg orally, daily.

    • Function: The active form of Vitamin B6, which is a cofactor in the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin.

  4. NA-Semax (N-Acetyl Semax)

    • Dosage: 300 mcg intranasally, twice a day.

    • Function: Enhances neurogenesis and neuroprotection, modulates the immune response, and improves cognitive function.

  5. Cerebrolysin

    • Dosage: 5 ml intramuscularly, five days a week for 4 weeks.

    • Function: A mixture of neuropeptides that supports neuroplasticity, neuroprotection, and cognitive function.

  6. NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) IV Therapy

    • Dosage: 500 mg intravenously, three times a week.

    • Function: Supports mitochondrial function and energy production, crucial for brain health and repair.

Duration of Use and Timeline of Results:

  • Initial Phase (Weeks 1-4):

    • DNSP-11: Twice a week subcutaneous injections to promote dopamine neuron health.

    • Tesofensine: Daily oral intake to increase neurotransmitter levels.

    • P5P: Daily oral intake to support neurotransmitter synthesis.

    • NA-Semax: Twice a day intranasal administration to enhance cognitive function.

    • Cerebrolysin: Daily intramuscular injections for five days a week to boost neuroplasticity and repair.

  • Maintenance Phase (Months 2-3):

    • DNSP-11: Continue twice a week for sustained neuroprotection.

    • Tesofensine: Continue daily to maintain elevated neurotransmitter levels.

    • P5P: Continue daily to support ongoing neurotransmitter synthesis.

    • NA-Semax: Continue twice a day to sustain cognitive enhancement.

    • NAD+ IV Therapy: Three times a week to support overall brain health and repair.

  • Assessment and Adjustment (Months 4+):

    • Evaluate cognitive function, mood, and neuroimaging results.

    • Adjust dosages or components based on individual response and side effects.

    • Consider reducing the frequency of NAD+ IV therapy to once a week for maintenance.

    • Potential continuation of P5P, NA-Semax, and Tesofensine based on long-term goals.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Week 1-2: Initial improvement in cognitive clarity and energy levels. Possible reduction in brain fog and enhanced mood.

  • Week 3-4: Noticeable improvements in cognitive function, memory, and attention span. Reduced symptoms of neurodegeneration and better stress response.

  • Month 2-3: Sustained cognitive enhancement, increased resilience to stress, and improved overall brain health. Ongoing repair of neurodamage and neurogenesis.

  • Month 4+: Long-term stabilization of cognitive functions, with possible further improvements in brain structure and function based on neuroimaging assessments.

Time Frame


1-2 Weeks

  • Initial improvement in cognitive clarity and energy levels. Possible reduction in brain fog and enhanced mood.

3-4 Weeks

  • Noticeable improvements in cognitive function, memory, and attention span. Reduced symptoms of neurodegeneration and better stress response.

2-3 Months

  • Sustained cognitive enhancement, increased resilience to stress, and improved overall brain health. Ongoing repair of neurodamage and neurogenesis.

4+ Months

  • Long-term stabilization of cognitive functions, with possible further improvements in brain structure and function based on neuroimaging assessments.

Safety and Monitoring:

  • Regular monitoring of cognitive function and mood.

  • Neuroimaging (MRI, PET scans, fMRI) to assess brain structure and function improvements in Thailand. Or use Dripdok's online Cambridge Cognitive Scoring we offer per price testing thats $250 less that performing with another provider (only in the US, EU).

  • Blood tests to monitor neurotransmitter levels and overall metabolic health. Dripdok now offers this DNA Methylation and heavy metal testing.

  • Adjustment of dosages based on individual response and potential side effects.

This protocol combines cutting-edge peptides, research compounds, and essential cofactors to provide a comprehensive approach to enhancing dopamine and norepinephrine function and repairing brain areas affected by modern lifestyle factors.

Cerebrolysin Alloquating (Advanced)

  1. Sterility: Ensure that the environment and all equipment used are sterile to prevent contamination. Use sterile syringes and needles.

  2. Handling: Once the ampoule is opened, use a sterile syringe to draw out the Cerebrolysin. Immediately transfer 5 ml into another sterile syringe, ensuring minimal exposure to air.

  3. Storage:

    • Refrigeration: Store the second syringe in the refrigerator at a temperature between 2°C and 8°C (35°F and 46°F).

    • Protection from Light: Protect the stored syringe from light by wrapping it in aluminum foil or placing it in a light-proof container.

    • Sealing: Ensure the syringe is sealed tightly to prevent contamination and oxidation.

  4. Usage:

    • Use the stored syringe within 24 hours.

    • Before using the stored Cerebrolysin, allow it to reach room temperature to avoid discomfort during injection.

  5. Inspection: Before use, inspect the solution for any changes in color, particulate matter, or signs of contamination. If any abnormalities are observed, do not use the solution.

What It Does To A Man

The underlying emotional effects of losing libido can be profound and multifaceted, affecting various aspects of an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. Here are some key emotional impacts:

1. Decreased Self-Esteem and Confidence

  • Self-Perception: Individuals may feel less attractive or desirable, leading to a diminished sense of self-worth.

  • Confidence: The inability to experience sexual desire can affect confidence in both sexual and non-sexual aspects of life.

2. Strained Relationships

  • Emotional Distance: A decrease in libido can create emotional distance between partners, as physical intimacy often plays a crucial role in bonding.

  • Miscommunication: Partners may misinterpret the lack of sexual desire as a lack of interest or love, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.

3. Increased Stress and Anxiety

  • Performance Anxiety: Concern over the lack of libido can lead to anxiety about sexual performance and fear of failure.

  • General Stress: The emotional burden of dealing with changes in sexual desire can increase overall stress levels.

4. Depression and Sadness

  • Emotional Low: A persistent lack of sexual desire can contribute to feelings of sadness and hopelessness, particularly if the individual places high value on their sexual identity.

  • Isolation: Individuals may withdraw socially due to feelings of inadequacy or embarrassment about their condition.

5. Frustration and Anger

  • Personal Frustration: The inability to feel sexual desire can lead to frustration and anger towards oneself.

  • Directed Anger: This frustration may sometimes be directed at partners or external situations, potentially exacerbating relational conflicts.

6. Loss of Intimacy and Connection

  • Physical Intimacy: Reduced libido can lead to less physical closeness and affectionate touch, impacting overall intimacy in a relationship.

  • Emotional Intimacy: The emotional connection that often accompanies physical intimacy can weaken, leading to feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

7. Identity and Role Confusion

  • Sexual Identity: Individuals may struggle with their sexual identity, especially if their sense of self is closely tied to their sexual function and desirability.

  • Role in Relationship: Changes in libido can affect perceived roles within a relationship, leading to confusion and uncertainty about how to relate to one's partner.

Addressing Emotional Effects:

  1. Open Communication: Encouraging open and honest communication between partners can help address misunderstandings and foster emotional support.

  2. Counseling and Therapy: Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can provide a safe space to explore and address emotional and relational issues.

  3. Medical Evaluation: Consulting with healthcare providers to rule out or treat underlying medical conditions that may be affecting libido.

  4. Stress Management: Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as exercise, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques can help manage overall emotional well-being.

  5. Building Self-Esteem: Focusing on self-care and activities that build self-esteem and confidence can help mitigate the negative emotional effects of losing libido.

Understanding and addressing the emotional impacts of losing libido is essential for overall mental and relational health. By acknowledging these feelings and seeking appropriate support, individuals can navigate this challenging experience more effectively.

Read More Here.


  • Single-use: While it is possible to store Cerebrolysin for a short period, it is generally recommended to use the contents of an ampoule immediately after opening to ensure maximum efficacy and safety.

  • Consultation: Always consult with a healthcare provider or pharmacist before modifying the administration of any medication to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your specific situation.

By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of contamination and degradation, maintaining the effectiveness and safety of Cerebrolysin for subsequent use.

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