Applying Discounts on Proposals
1. Open the desired Proposal and Click on 'Apply Discount'
2. Type the Desired Amount
3. Leave Notes Regarding the Discount if Needed
5. Click on 'Save'
6. The Sales Discount Will now Populate on the Proposal builder
7. The Discount Will also be Shown on the Proposal
Applying Discounts to Invoices
1. Open the Desired Invoice and Click on 'Apply Discount'
2. Choose the Amount
3. Leave Notes Regarding the Discount if Needed
4. Click on 'Save'
5. The discount will now populate in the Invoice editor
6. The discount will also be added to the customer's Invoice
Applying a Late Fee to an Invoice
1. Open the Desired Invoice and Click on 'Apply Late Fee'
2. Choose the Amount and Type any Desired Notes for the Late Fee
3. Click on Save
4. The Late Fee will now populate in the Invoice editor
5. The Late Fee will also be added to the customer's Invoice
If you need any assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the HelpDesk.