1. Look for the deal you would like to check
2. Click on the Proposal #
3. You will see your items and optional items added to your list
4. Click on View Portal
5. You will see how your proposal looks in full view.
Just below your logo, you can see your information, your client's information, and the information about the job, including address & Proposal #.
6. You will see the items with their respective description and price.
7. Also, any optional item with the option to be added
8. Below the Items will be the Total Price
If the optional item is not included the price would be without the cost of it. Also, if you asked for a deposit, it will be calculated automatically.
9. If a Payment Schedule was set, it will show up below the Total.
10. Just below will be your Terms and Conditions
11. The left side of the Proposal will include links to important information that the customer can access.
14. Your client can then sign at the bottom.
15. They can click on Submit Signature once ready
16. The payment types you accept for the Deposit will then generate
17. The customer will then be given instructions on how to pay the deposit and the Deal will move forward to the Jobs Pipeline.