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Bulk Archive Jobs

Follow the steps below to archive several projects at the same time according to the stage they are in.

Laura Cuadros avatar
Written by Laura Cuadros
Updated over a week ago



1. Click on Jobs List

Click on Jobs List

2. All your Jobs will be here

All your Jobs will be here

3. We will filter by Deal Stage

However, you can filter by Customer's Name or Status

We will filter by Deal Stage

4. Select the Deal Stage you would like to archive

In this case, is Project Complete

Select the Deal Stage you would like to archive

5. Check the box to select them all

Check the box to select them all

6. Make sure your "Show" option is in "All"

Make sure your "show" option is in "All"

7. Click on Bulk Actions, at the upper-right of the page

Click on Bulk Actions, at the upper-right of the page

8. Click on Archive Selected

All your Projects Selected will be archived

Click on Archive Selected
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