Rescheduling a Job...
1. Click on 'Job Schedule'
2. Select a Job That Needs to Be Rescheduled
3. Click on 'Edit Event Details'
4. Select the New Start Date
5. Select a New End Date
6. Toggle on How You Want the Customer to Receive the Reschedule Notification
7. You Can Also Choose to Send the Customer a Reminder When The Job Is Approaching
8. Then, Click on 'Save'
Rescheduling an Appointment...
9. Click on 'Appointments'
10. Select an Appointment That Needs to Be Rescheduled
11. Click on the Appointment Details Edit Icon
12. Select the New Date
13. Toggle on How You Want the Customer to Receive the Reschedule Notification
14. Choose if You Want the Customer to Receive Appointment Reminders
15. Click on 'Save'
If you need any assistance rescheduling projects or appointments, please don't hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the Helpdesk.