1. Begin by selecting the desired client's Deal Card in the Pipeline.
2. Click on the purple Deal Name.
3. Click on New Proposal
4. Select the Proposal Template you'd like to attach.
5. Returning to the Sales Pipeline...
6. We can now see that Proposal attached to the client's Deal Card.
7. Select the other client's Deal Card you'd like to attach a Proposal to,
8. Click on the Deal Name,
9. And again, click New Proposal.
10. Select the additional Proposal
11. And returning to the Pipeline...
12. The client's additional Deal Card now holds the attached Proposal.
13. To attach a Proposal otherwise than the client's Deal Card, head to the Sales Pipeline and select 'New Proposal'
14. Choose the desired Proposal Template
15. Which will populate fields to enter the client's contact information.
16. Select the desired client,
17. And click start
18. Returning again to the Sales Pipeline
19. The chosen client now has a Proposal attached to their Deal Card!