In case you didn’t receive the verification link or if the verification link is not working, here’s what you can do:
1 - If you didn’t receive the link, you can request a new one. To do that, access your dashboard page ( ), and click on the “Send verification link to email” button.
After doing that, we’re going to send you another verification link to your email.
Sometimes our email can get to your spam box, make sure to check your spam box.
2 - Sometimes users create an account with an email to which they don't have access, and that's why they don't receive the verification email. One of the most common cases is when there's a misspelling in the email address.
Please make sure to check your profile page and verify if you used the correct email address. If not, click here to register again with your correct email address
3 - If you have received the link but it’s not working. We recommend deleting all the verification emails you have received previously. Wait a few minutes and then request a new verification link.
We also recommend closing all windows and tabs you have opened from EasyRetro. When you receive the new link, click on it, just one time.
4 - If the verification link is redirecting you to a blank page and it’s not working, here's what you can do: Try opening the verification link using your phone.
5 - If you didn’t receive the verification link or if the link it’s not working (even after trying the procedures above). Please please email us at requesting to verify your account.
You need to send us an email using the email address of the account you want to verify. As soon as possible, we’ll verify the account for you.