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Using Gantt Charts

A project management tool showing a timeline of events

Written by PX360 Support
Updated over a week ago

PX360 Gantt charts can be as detailed or simple as you need them to be. We think about using Gantt charts in two ways:

  • Creating new tasks based on the work to be done

  • Keeping tasks separated by how you expect the cost invoice to be received

Using Gantt charts in this way will help you get the most accurate data analysis on your Budget vs. Actual cost comparisons.

Note: Be sure to add Cost Centres to your PX360 account prior to creating your Gantt chart.

Included in this guide:

Structuring Your Gantt Chart

There are several important items to consider before creating your Gantt chart.

Many businesses will set up a task for project preliminaries that capture ongoing costs. Additional tasks can then be added for trade-based activity.

It is also common to keep provisional sum items separate to allow for easier adjustments during the project, as well as simpler reporting.

Working Days

It is important that Working Days are considered before your projects starts as Extensions of Time work from this setting. If applied incorrectly, you may not be considering Saturdays or Sundays as work days, or adding these to your project timeframe.

Mark Saturday and/or Sunday as Working Days using the checkbox at the top of the Gantt chart. This enables a 6 or 7-day working week if either or both are selected. This selection will carry through to Extension of Time entries on the Overview Site Diary.

Note: Working Days can only be accessed in Step 6 of Project Creation/Editing. It is not available on the Planning tab.

Cost Centres

One task can involve multiple Cost Centres. This is best used when one task may have separate invoices and you want to group the cost centres together to keep it simple.

  • An example task would be: Waterproofing and Tiling. This would include cost centres 1) Waterproofing and 2) Tiling to accommodate two invoices: one from the waterproofer and one from the tiler.

For more complicated tasks, it makes more sense to split them out as separate tasks with separate cost centres.

  • An example would be:

    • Preliminary Overheads / Preliminary Equipment Cost Centres

      • E.G. TASK 399 Smith Street Preliminaries

    • Provisional Sums

      • E.G. TASK Air Conditioning Provisional Sum

      • E.G. TASK Make Good to Existing Floors Provisional Sum

The level of detail in your Gantt chart is up to you, but more tasks make it easier to track labour and supplier costs to the project budget.

Creating Your Gantt Chart

Project Gantt charts can be created in two places:

  • During Step 6 of the Project Creation process (or while editing)

  • From the Planning tab inside a project

Whichever way you choose to access your Gantt chart, the functionality remains largely the same. You can add tasks, assign cost centres, and select task dates.

The Gantt chart will automatically create a Start Project line from the date entered during Project Creation. It also has a Now line to reflect today's date.

Add or Edit A Task Row

Gantt charts are generated using the tasks you create.
Tasks can be added using the blue plus (+) button on the project Planning tab, or during Step 6 of the Project Creation process. Enter the fields and click Submit to add the task to your Gantt chart.

Task Name

Be descriptive. Be sure to follow any company-established naming conventions.

Cost Centre

A category for assigning, tracking, and reporting costs. Cost Centres are required when creating a task.

Start Date - End Date

Expected dates of task duration

Lag Days

The number of days you want to set between the current task and the next task. This also automatically takes into account the Duration you've entered for that task.

Double-clicking on any row will open that task again for editing or deletion. If you're editing from the Planning tab, you can also view the budget information for any task.

! Caution ! Once deleted, a task cannot be recovered. Only delete a task if you are absolutely sure.

Adding/Removing Columns

The dropdown at the top left of the Gantt chart allows you to select which columns to display. You can select as many columns as you'd like to see displayed on your chart at one time.

Gantt Chart Dependency Arrows

There may be cases where one task is dependent on another - it cannot start until a previous one has been completed. An example of this may be a Framing task that must be completed before a Drywalling task.

In cases like this, add a dependency to the Gantt chart by hovering over the circle at the right edge of the initial task, then click and hold the circle until a line forms, and drag this line to the subsequent task. When you release the mouse, a dependency line will be drawn between the two tasks.

If you've created a dependency by accident, simply double-click the dependency line then click OK to delete the dependency.

Note: Gantt charts always arrange rows/bars by date to assist with project management. If your chart is very detailed, we recommend excluding dependency arrows to avoid date-related complications.

Creating a PDF

Click Create PDF at the top right of your Gantt chart to create and download a PDF version of your entire chart to your device.

Troubleshooting Download Blockers

If your web browser is not downloading the CSV export, here are some troubleshooting tips that may help you.

Still have questions? Email our team at and we would be happy to help!

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