Progress Claims are a request for periodic or complete payment. Claim(s) should match the contract and any agreed-upon milestones, whether time-based (e.g. monthly) or based on completed tasks.
Included in this guide:
Fixed Price vs. Cost Plus
For Fixed Price projects, a pre-determined progress claim schedule is entered during Project Setup. You can add/edit this by using the Edit Project button.
Cost Plus projects follow more of a do-and-charge method. PX360 enables the quick selection of costs to be added to a claim that can be sent for client approval.
We recommend using Progress Claims to obtain Client Approval prior to invoicing. They can be important in the event of a legal dispute and follow the Australian Building Industry Contracts (ABIC) process. Progress Claims also assist with cash flow throughout a project.
Creating a Progress Claim
On the Cost tab of your project, you'll see + Supplier Costs and + Labour Time. Click either one to expand that table. Use the checkboxes on the left to select the rows you want to include, then click the orange Progress Claim button in the top left.
Complete the fields shown in the sections below.
Use this section to provide general details about this progress claim.
Document Date | Date the progress claim took place. The default value is today's date. |
Title Name | Be descriptive. Follow any naming conventions your company has established. |
Status | Status of the claim. This will be Draft until it is Saved & Sent to the client for approval but can be manually changed. |
Claim No. | A unique number automatically created to identify each claim |
From | Name of Creator or Site/Staff Contact |
Attention | Name of the receiver of the progress claim for approval (i.e. Architect or Client) |
Reminder Date | A reminder date creates a Task To Do item for the Creator of the claim. This is used as a reminder to send the claim for client approval. |
Progress Claim Details | Add a detailed description of the progress claim here including a date period. This will be shown on the final printout for the claim. |
Project Cloud Attachment URL Link | A link for supporting documentation. This may be from a service like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. |
Approved Variations
Use this section to add unpaid, client-Approved Variations to this claim.
Approved Variations Checkbox | Defaults to Yes. If there are none to include on this claim, check No. |
Add | For each unpaid, client-Approved Variation to be included on this claim, click Add button and use the dropdown to Select the variation. The Total Amount will automatically populate. |
Note: To prevent duplicate variations from being added to a claim, you'll now see (Previously Added) after the title of the variation that was already used on a claim.
Within the claim, you can use the Variation Match to automate Supply Materials.
To manage this, you can use the Cost Tab > Labour Costs dropdown. Just use the search filter by typing in the word "Variation", click the Show Uninvoiced button, and this will assist with excluding any previously claimed items. Alternatively, you can use the date range filter.
Note: Using the Show Uninvoiced button will not include previously archived cost rows.
Tip!: Use a PDF download of the Variation Status Report template (on the Overview Site Diary) to assist with tracking numbers. Then create your Progress Claim and put the representative Var # in the field box (see image below). |
Note: The validity of any variation cost or description is to be covered by the user within their custom description text box. Since the approver will be making their decision based on this information, make sure it's accurate or you may be held to an incorrect/unintended pricing or material standard. |
Progress Claim Details
Use this section to add progress claims for approval. It includes all items checked on the Cost tab.
Add Progress Claim | Click Add Progress Claim to add any claim that was selected (box checked) on the previous screen, the Cost tab. |
Add Row | Click Add Row to create a new claim and enter a Cost. |
You also have the option to include Cost Rows and Labour Rows in an existing Progress Claim draft. Keep in mind that you can only make additions to a previously submitted Progress Claim, as long as it has not been approved yet.
Note: You can add a Supplier cost to an existing Progress Claim only if it has been through a Budget match.
Adjustments/Retention (Including Margin)
Use this section to add to/subtract from anything on the claim.
Add | Click Add button for each item to add to or subtract from this claim.
Note: To subtract, enter a negative dollar amount for Cost. |
You can add the following fields for Notes. If there is no entry in either field, the rows will remain blank on the claim. Notes entered here will not affect any values on the claim as they are text fields only.
Current Amount Paid to Date | The amount paid as of the date of the claim. |
Current Retention Paid to Date | The amount of Retention paid as of the date of the claim.
Note: Retention amount is held from the planning budget exhausted spend. It is particular to the contract arrangement for the project. |
Total Claim Due
This calculates the Approved Contract Adjustments (+) Progress Claim (+/-) Adjustments and adds the Goods and Services Tax (GST). It is automatically populated with the values provided by your entries in the sections on this form.
Note: The contract margin percentage that was entered during Project Creation is automatically applied here. |
Print Type
Use the toggle to save either a Simple or Detailed version of the claim. This selection will carry through when sent to the client for approval.
Simple Claim
Detailed Claim
Add Images
Check the box to Add Images to the claim.
Expense Invoice Batch Attachments
To simplify the time consuming process of manually attaching expense invoice to a claim one by one, we have added a feature that combines all into a single file.
This feature enables invoice expenses that are using the Attachment feature in Xero to be merged in one PDF making your Progress claims more detailed for your clients.
You can enable this by using the Download Attachments Batch PDF switcher located at the bottom part of the Progress Claim template. The saving options offer different functions based on your preference. See below for details:
Save & PDF - The progress claim will be downloaded together with the PDF of all invoice expenses within the claim.
Save & E-Approval - The progress claim together with the PDF of all invoice expenses within the claim will be included in the Client Approval Link.
Saving Your Claim
There are three options to save your new claim:
Save & Close |
Save & PDF |
Save & E-Approval |
Tip: Use your own email to send yourself a copy of the claim. From there, you can:
Getting Approval
When Save & E-Approval is selected above, the claim will go through our E-Approval process using Eversign, and the client will be notified.
Note: If a progress claim is not approved for any reason, you have the ability to revise the contents before resubmitting it for approval.
Cost Plus Progress Claim Summary Report
You can also create a report of all approved Cost Plus Progress Claims in PX360.
This provides a summary of all Cost Centres with approved expenditure across each created Progress Claim and includes approved variations which are separate from the original project scope.
This report helps create clarity on the position of the budgeted scope versus additional scope changes during the project.
To create one, go to your project.
Click on the Cost tab.
Inside the Cost tab, click the top right orange button labeled "+ Create Progress Claim."
Select "Approved Claims Summary."
Choose the progress claims that you wish to include in the report.
Click "Create PDF."
Review the details and down and download the prepared PDF report.
Note: The Progress Claim Summary report is only available on Cost Plus projects. Additionally, only claims approved via the E-Signature can be included in the report.
Video Tutorial
Still have questions? Email our team at and we would be happy to help.