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Add a fund

Learn how to add your first fund

Updated over a month ago

If you would like to add a new fund, please contact and we can discuss this further with you.

When a fund it set up for your Fundportal, you will then be able to make changes and add any further.

1. Enter in strategy information

Start by entering your fund information, including the name, strategy description, AUM & domicile.

Next, enter in your 'Investment Strategy' - hone in on the strategy by adding a 'Methodology' and finally, select your target region.

In the Benchmarks section, select your required benchmark from the drop-down menu. Can't find what you're looking for? Browse through our list of 70,000+ additional benchmarks here. 

We use your second preferred benchmark and risk-free index for our advanced risk & return analysis - so make sure to enter these too!

2. Enter in stakeholder information

Add biographies for your investment and operational team, details of your service providers, and limited partners.  

3. Add a share class

Fill out a share class's purchase terms. You can add, delete and edit share classes later on, on your fund's profile page. 

4. Add performance

Fill out share class returns since inception. We have a handy option to upload by CSV - just download our template and re-upload with your returns!

You're all set up now! Click 'Update' and proceed to the next page to view your fund profile. 

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