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Edgefolio for Fund Managers
FundPortal's key features explained
49 articles
Status definitions in contacts
Inviting Investors and Prospects
Using FundPortal permission levels
What's the difference between admin and Portal owner?
What do the Users' statuses mean?
User Communications - Messages
What happens when I choose a specific link to redirect my Prospects/Investors?
User Communications - Documents
Investor behaviour & analytics
Customising permission-level titles
Advanced Analytics
What does 'deferred' message in the analytics mean?
Why do some emails go my recipients' spam folder?
Security Notes on FundPortal Document Rooms
View our formulas and calculations
Some of my clients are associated with a company, but do not work for them, how do I assign this in the CRM?
Where is best to store contact profile details, for example, where you met this contact?
Confirming your accreditations
Is there a limit to the number of users per company?