Add Documents & News Feed to FundPortal

Learn how to add documents, commentary and articles to your fund profile

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Written by Edgefolio Support
Updated over a week ago

1. Adding Documents

You can upload any document (PDF format) to your fund profile via the 'Documents' tab. This includes Factsheets, Monthly Investor Newsletters, DDQs and fund pitch books. 

Give your document a suitable title, select a type and simply upload to your very own, secure data room. The privilege level is set in-line with the "Manage Access" and "Invite New Investors" tabs at the top of the profile. When inviting your prospects and investors, you will be asked to set a corresponding privilege level for each user. 

You can learn more about privilege levels here. 

Each document you upload is automatically watermarked by the system to give you peace of mind. Additionally, you can delete or edit any document characteristics using the buttons in the far left of the corresponding row.

2. Adding Commentary & News articles

Adding your monthly or quarterly commentary, thought-pieces, and news articles is just as straightforward. 

Navigate to the 'News Feed' tab of your fund profile to upload recent commentary to accompany your latest performance. 

Choose a catchy title, select your article type, add an author and simply add text into the box provided. Privilege levels for commentary work similar to those for documents. You can learn more about privilege levels here.

Once you add commentary, your commentary will appear as part of your "Monthly Report". When investors select the "Monthly Report" option they will be presented with a branded, printable version of your FundPortal overview page, teamed up with the commentary you have just added. If you would like this button to display your own newsletter instead, then read on...

Please note: If you select a 'Monthly Commentary' from the list, the piece you type will be made available in the 'Monthly Report'. There is also the option of linking this button to your own newsletter within the data room. To learn more abut how this works, click here. 

Your "News Feed" has the ability to display graphs, images and tables. You can read more on formatting commentary and articles, here.

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