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Inviting Investors and Prospects

How can I invite new users to my FundPortal?

Updated over 2 years ago

The overhead menu has the following tabs:

If you’d like to add a single user, go to the Contacts tab on the left hand side and click the “Add Contact” button in the upper right corner. Next, you will need to fill out details about your new contact. There is also the options for their permission levels included too. Once that is done, click the “Add Contact” button at the end of the form. You will now see the profile of the newly created user. You will be able to send an invite message to that user. To make the system more flexible, we don’t automatically send out messages anymore. You can send this new contact a custom invitation email by selecting the box, next to their name and click 'email contact'.

It is also possible to easily add multiple new users:

To do so, download the template list in Excel format (“Import Contacts” button). Add the contacts you want to this list and upload your updated version back to the FundPortal (“Import Contacts” button). Please have in mind, this only adds contacts, it does not remove any, if you remove any from your list. This needs to be done individually.

Please note that the system no longer sends out automatic emails to the new users. You now have complete control over your client communication. To invite these new users you just added, filter your user table by the status “Not yet contacted” and message the users.

You can easily change user’s details (name, company name or access level to given fund). In the table view of users simply double-click on the item you wish to change and enter a new value.


Single User: Go to the “Contacts” tab in your CRM → Click the “Add Contact” button → Fill out the form → Save Contact → Review the saved details → Click “Email User” or link in the dialog box to send an invitation message to the new contact → Watch the progress of your campaign

Multiple contacts: Go to the “Contacts” tab  → Click the “Download users” button → In the Excel file, add the users → Save file → Upload the updated file by clicking “Add/Update Users” → Filter your user table by the status “Not yet contacted” →  Send an invitation message →Watch the progress of your campaign

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