The content we offer on Eedi is created by our team of experienced maths tutors. We use Diagnostic Questions to uncover any gaps in learning, then provide tailored live chat lessons to help fill those gaps π
π‘ What is a Diagnostic Question?
βA Diagnostic Question is a multiple-choice question designed to help identify and understand potential misunderstandings and misconceptions.
Firstly the learner will select a topic of their choice to focus on - we recommend topics based on their current maths knowledge and age group, but they also have the freedom to choose what to focus on! Each topic is five questions long and covers a certain area in maths. Answering these questions gives us an idea of how comfortable they are on that topic.
Topic questions are designed so that each wrong answer indicates a specific misunderstanding (also known as a misconception). Once a misconception has been identified, we offer a lesson designed specifically to resolve that very misconception.
We have lessons prepared for every single topic question on Eedi. Our lessons follow the following format:
Learners will start off by looking at some Worked examples. This gives them the opportunity to read some examples and review some Thinking questions.
Learners will then move on to watch an explanation video on how to answer the Thinking questions and check their understanding.
After this, learners will move onto Your Turn - The learner is given some questions similar to the worked examples, which they can try answering themselves.
Once finished, the learner can check their answers by watching a video on how the tutors solved the questions.
Next, the learner will work on 4 Worksheet questions to practice and build confidence. These questions allow the learner to apply what they've learned in multiple contexts.
They'll then have the option to complete 4 more Intelligent Practice questions to check their understanding even further.
Each question throughout the Worksheet and Intelligent Practice section has its own specific explanation video. Eedi Plus learners can speak with a tutor to discuss any of these questions if more support is needed.
Finally, we finish the lesson with a multiple-choice Checkout question (similar to the Topic question itself) to see how well the learner has understood the topic and if their misconception has been resolved π
After completing a lesson the learner will resume their 5 topic questions.
Stretch and Challenge
Once learners have completed a topic they will unlock a stretch and challenge activity for it.
Stretch and Challenge lessons contain questions that delve deeper and allow students to apply their knowledge to new or unconventional questions. These questions are very advanced, so giving them a go is a huge achievement in itself π
Again, all stretch and challenge questions have their own video explanations available.