eesel needs your approval for some browser permissions in order to function. Here's a breakdown of the permissions we request, and why.
The dialog you see on Chrome when installing eesel
Read and change all your data on the websites that you visit
Extensions that work across apps (like Loom, Grammarly) need this permission. In our case, this permission is needed to:
Index pages as you browse: eesel stores the title, URL and content of pages, so you can then search over these. This is stored locally on your browser only, and never leaves your computer. For pages in eesel folders, the title and URL of the pages is additionally stored on eesel servers, so you can access these across devices and share with others.
Allow you to open eesel on any page: eesel injects a 'content script' on a page when you browse. This script doesn't interfere with anything else on the page and allows you to open eesel from any page when you choose to do so, via the keyboard shortcut or browser action.
Note that only the data of pages you choose to track in eesel is indexed. Out of the box, this is only work related tools like Salesforce, Confluence or Google Docs and does not include personal websites like Facebook or Reddit.
Replace the page you see when opening a new tab
This permission is needed to open up eesel in your new tab. You can always disable this behaviour in just a few minutes.
Read and change your browser history
This permission is needed to make eesel useful on install. When you first install eesel, it reads through your browser history and indexes work related pages. This permission isn't used after install, and more over, this information never leaves your local browser storage.
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